Monday, November 3, 2014

Barack Hussein Obama - One More Day

It is true that Barack Hussein Obama may have two years (barring impeachment) to rule America by "phone and pen" but if everything goes well for the republicans, today may be the last day Harry Reid and the democrats in the Senate actually run the country.

Barack Hussein Obama has been able to find a lot of time to improve his golf score thanks to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (among others) keeping the republican house from repealing all the damaging policies scrolled on Obama's teleprompter.

Tomorrow is probably the most important day in current American history. The Obama administration is a complete failure both domestically and on the foreign policy front. Electing republicans who actually give a damn about America's safety, security, economy and society should be a good beginning to recovering what has been the unique American culture based in personal liberty.

Let's all make tomorrow a vote to ensure American children only need to learn to speak Chinese because they want to.

Yeah, I wrote that.

Get out and vote.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Barack Hussein Obama - Top of Every Ticket

Barack Hussein Obama told us last week that his policies and ideas were on every ticket of every democrat this election. Democrats in the house and senate vote with Mr. Obama 99 percent of the time. This is a fact no democrat can run from.

I'm glad Obama is the foremost thought on the mind of every voter. He will affect the vote toward common sense conservatism for most all republicans and many independents (yes, I know there are some republicans that voted for Obama twice...those are incredibly gullible and ignorant people who think Obama is a truthful person) while he will affect the vote toward liberal socialism for all the democrat Kool-aid drinkers who believe lies are the most important part of the political social fabric.

I'm sorry. I pegged Obama as a liar back when John Kerry was running for president; shortly before the book: "Obamanation" was published. Anyone who champions killing a newborn baby "accidently" surviving an attempted abortion is nothing more than a rotten S.O.B. in my book.

It is my fervent hope that the entire congress comes under republican control. Too, it is my hope that a republican congress can begin to undo the damage Obama has wreaked on America's economy and social culture.

In a couple of days we shall see what we shall see. I urge all republicans to get out and vote. I urge all independents to get out and vote republican. Do not waste your vote on any third party person. They always end up democrat sycophants once in office.

I urge all democrats to get out and vote republican too. Obama has had his chance and he is a failure in every part of his bloated administration. He still wants to kill babies. In fact, his open support for gay "marriage" is his ultimate utopia; being an entire country full of "married" couples that cannot even produce babies.

Of course, if every man "married" a man and every woman "married" a woman, we pro-life folks wouldn't have to worry about the legalized murder practice of abortion, Planned Parenthood would lose an important cash cow and NOW might have to revamp its anti-heterosexual rhetoric.

You know. Unintended consequences.