Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016 - The Day After - All the Best to Prestdent Elect Trump

I believe America did the right thing yesterday. I believe America will be greatly surprised to have a President that will do whatever he can to make America Great Again, and not his own personal legacy we should all laud and bow to.

After all, this is what Obama was about. HIS personal legacy of socialism. HIS personal legacy of returning power to terrorists at the expense of American super power. His ideal of equality that meant all countries equally miserable.

Obama can go play golf without regret.

I believe President-elect Trump will be honest in all his dealings both foreign and domestic and that the American people will be the beneficiaries of any resultant economic rewards. Trump will not be out to win a fortune, cash in on fortune or lobby his office for fortune. He already has everything he needs personally. I truly believe that his campaign was for the people of America.

I believe with the backing of the people, Trump will succeed I'm fine fashion. He will have my trust and respect until he proves he does not deserve it.

America, take heart. You did the right thing yesterday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I'll eventually get back to this blog

I know I haven't been doing a crackerjack job of keeping this blog up to date. And I left all my thumb drives in Kuwait, so I'm stuck for updating for a while.

I will explain that I had to return from Kuwait to the United States, because my doctors did not like the progression of my skin cancer. I returned for surgery, radiation and chemotherapy; hoping the combination will keep me from an early grave a while longer.

I really do want to get my history posted to this blog then eventually share it. But there are more than 2000 entries I could leave here and there is no telling is GOOGLE will retain the blog should I die, as I'm sure, like twitter and all the other social media it is all pro democrat and liberal.

Anyway, about the election on November 8th. I'll be voting the Republican ticket and maybe splitting it with the local conservative party. I would never vote for a democrat. I learned that lesson long ago thinking Jimmy Carter would be a good president. I was very wrong, and every democrat after him was exactly as I feared. Lousy at the job and tax raising fanatics.

At least Hillary has laid her tax raising plans out on the table.

Get out and vote. Vote anything but a democrat. To vote democrat is simply to vote dumb. I know you're not dumb.

If you find yourself missing me you can always go to my poetry web site and search for poet Macsword. I posted my 3000th entry there a couple of weeks ago. Please enjoy.