Thursday, June 5, 2014

HARRY REID REVISITED: Christmas 2008 Message To His Constituents

A very interesting, if short report posted to, entitled: “Reid: We won't smell the tourists anymore” by Jeff Dufour and Patrick Gavin simply states:

The Capitol Visitors Center…may have tripled its original budget and fallen years behind schedule, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid found a silver lining for members of Congress: tourists won't offend them with their B.O. anymore.”

"My staff tells me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway," said Reid in his remarks. "In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."

“But it's no longer going to be true, noted Reid, thanks to the air conditioned, indoor space.”

“And that's not all. "We have many bathrooms here, as you can see," Reid continued. "Souvenirs are available.”

Ladies and Gentlemen these are our Democrat Representatives of the United States’ Congress and they are no longer upset with us, their constituents, for bringing our unhygienic torsos into their blessedly well-kept presence.

Harry Reid and his staff are joyous that we no longer have to bring our body odors, our halitosis or our soiled and smelly Nikes into the hallowed halls of the Capitol.

At the mean cost of $621 million and the tons of overtime paid delinquent and over budgeted workers, the voters of America can now enter a facility far removed from the sensitive noses of Harry Reid and his colleagues and view the rewritten history of the United States Capitol with the view that God had nothing to do with the establishment of a government “by the people, for the people”.

This new Visitor’s Center is simply another means our new socialist government will use to segregate the smelly masses from the Congressional elite. It has been completed just in time for the inauguration of the “Blessed One”. The Capitol halls will now have their exclusivity from the odorous hordes of tourists so eschewed by the Democrat Majority Leader.

Why does Harry Reid even have a “staff” if he’s going to say something “anyway” he’s been asked not to say? The answer is the arrogance of Harry Reid. After all, he’s the guy who has already told us that all is “lost” in Iraq. He is also the guy who said in 2005: “"while I favor improving oversight by our federal housing regulators to ensure safety and soundness, we cannot pass legislation that could limit Americans from owning homes and potentially harm our economy in the process." ("Dems Rip New Fannie Mae Regulatory Measure," United Press International, 7/28/05) as copied from

Personally I believe the stink Harry Reid smells is the stink from his own BS. It is probably wise to keep Americans separate from liberals, communists and socialists. If, while visiting Washington, D.C. one never bumps into a liberal politician that might be considered a fringe benefit.

Harry Reid has not endeared anyone to Nevada or the Democrat Party with these comments. Harry Reid’s “silver lining” is showing a lot of tarnish.

 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published December 2008. Harry Reid is the idiot, liberal, gift that keeps on giving. Reference his recent comments on Guantanamo. Harry pushed to have all the Taliban bigwigs tried in American courts; given all the rights of American due process. If that doesn't prove my personal opinion that Harry Reid is simply an incredibly ignorant dick, then I don't know what does.

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA – Iceberg President – Hope And Change

The president of hope and change has rapidly engaged in giving hope and change to his various constituencies.

He has rescinded abortion restrictions to give hope to those who want Roe v. Wade as the national gold standard for killing innocent babies and to change the policies that kept taxpayer dollars from the federal funding of infanticide. The FDA rejoiced and instantly approved embryonic stem cell research restrictions be lifted. Hooray! We can not only kill more babies, but we can create as many as we need to satiate our lust for baby-death!

He has loosened Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) restrictions to give hope to Rep. John Conyers and others who are calling for investigations and treason trials for Former President Bush and Former Vice-President Cheney and to change media’s attention from his present presidential stupidities to supposed Republican “war crimes”.

He has ordered the closing of the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention center and terrorist day spa to give vital doses of hope to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups that their ranks will soon be swelled by the remaining 250 hard-core killers housed there and to change the world-wide attitude of Muslims into complete agreement with Osama bin Laden’s “Paper Tiger” assessment of America.

He has nominated tax cheats, communists and Clintons to high political positions to give hope to other tax cheats like Charles Rangel, other communists like Hu Jintao of China and other Clintons like Chelsea that their futures are assured, their power positions are not threatened and a change from democratic rule to that of dictatorial fiat is forthcoming!


I had hoped Obama would be truthful about his lineage but that hope was sadly dashed.

I didn’t get a bail-out.

I didn’t get stimulated.

But, I bet I’ll get a tax increase so some non-worker somewhere will get what is stolen from me redistributed as a form of undeserved tax rebate.

Nancy Pelosi says: “We won!” So Barney Frank (author of the economic meltdown) immediately dipped his hands into the TARP and came up with $12 million to bail out a “black-bank” in his congressional district. Barney Frank took that one right out of: “The Charley Rangel Liberal Tax Cheats and Socialist Redistributive Playbook for Dummies” 2009 Edition.

The one who “won” it all for Ms. Nancy is keeping his “blackberry”. He doesn’t want to be called “Bubble-Boy” apparently; desiring to keep close tabs on his more “intimate” associates; presumably including Obama’s anonymous autobiographical co-author (for the next edition of his life-story entitled “The Audacity of Audacity”) and his other more intimate intimates; presumably Jeremiah, Michael, William (or is that a redundancy?), Mohammad and some guy in Pakistan with the keyboard handle “Tall Jihadi”. (DISCLAIMER: Any person living or attached to a kidney machine bearing any resemblance to anyone cited in this paragraph is simply on the side of coincidence.)

This child-king who tells Republicans we should not listen to Rush Limbaugh is going to overreach. The fact is Obama should be not only listening to Limbaugh but should be considering Limbaugh as White House Chief of Staff. And of course pigs should be able to fly and people in hell should be able to ice-skate every once in a while. But a true conservative knows these sentiments well.

The initial moves of the new administration are not encouraging. The “hope” coming from me is a “hope” America isn’t so completely corrupted by democrat policies that I contemplate moving to Europe with Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna.

The point is a president is supposed to be in a “bubble”. He is not supposed to be opening his fly; hoping the draft won’t freeze his jewels. I believe Obama and his jewels constitute an iceberg as described in the first two “Encarta Dictionary” definitions. A person would be wise to look those up.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally posted January 2009 to either or With all the crap happening in Guantanamo and all the new lies being told by Susan Rice and our illustrious, idiod president, I thought it appropriate to revisit this one.