Monday, March 10, 2014


Whenever a liberal mouthpiece from the black community has no legitimate rebuttal of any logical conservative point or position, the fall-back position of the liberal, black leader is a claim of racism. President Obama believes his policies are being rejected, not because they are stupid, or communist, or liberal-socialist or monitored by imbecilic, liberal bird-brains, but because he is black. It doesn't matter that Obama is wrong. It might be true that he is black, but his policies are rejected by conservatives simply because Obama is stupid.

Yet, Obama isn't the only stupid, black liberal; pretending to be a qualified leader. There is a whole host of black leaders within the congressional black caucus that fully support the inane policies of Barack Hussein Obama. Congressman Elijah Cummings has assumed the mantel of IRS guardian by crying the racist wolf against anyone attempting to investigate the IRS for election rigging.

Congressman Cummings believes it is his sworn duty to obstruct any investigation of the IRS because the President (whose butt is being covered) said there is not “one smidgen of corruption” to be found in the vaunted department. Now, we who care about truth, know that statement to be a lie. If it were true, then why is Lois Lerner (person of interest in the investigation) claiming her rights against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment; refusing to answer any legitimate question from Congress?

If there is truly no corruption to be found, why wouldn't the managers of the IRS be lining up to extol their myriad virtues and absolute purity? Why is Congressman Cummings so intent on changing the subject of the investigation to the racism of Chairman Darrel (not a racist bone in his body) Issa?

Well, if you like your Doctor...if you like your insurance...blah...blah...blah!

And I read today that all the congressional democrats are staying up all night, in session, to discuss global warming and climate change.

No. They will not discuss high, black unemployment rates.

No, they will not discuss the 72 percent abortion rate for black babies in Mississippi or the 42 percent abortion rate for black babies in New York State.

No. They will not discuss the New York City Mayor's attempt to shut down charter schools servicing minority neighborhoods.

But they will probably allow Elijah Cummings to bloviate about having his microphone turned off by that terrible, racist Darrel Issa!

Charles Rangel did not face the ethics committee because of his incessant tax cheating. He was racially persecuted because of his skin color.

Louisiana Congressman Jefferson was not kicked out of Congress for hiding bribe money in his household freezer, then misappropriating rescue vehicles to save his kickback bucks from Katrina flood waters. He was kicked out of Congress because he was black.

And don't get me started on Maxine Waters and her husband's questionable bank deals. Someone might find it in their best interest to call me a racist.


It isn't the color of anyone's skin. It is the statist, liberal-socialist and communist positions of the left. Their policies have not improved life in America. Every family in America's middle class of every race has been damaged by the idiotic policies of a stupid man who believes he is God's great gift.

Well, Obama has successfully destroyed America's middle class. Elijah Cummings, in his obstruction of the IRS investigation is in full support of Obama's destructive policies. Thank you Mr. Cummings.

Written today: March 11, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: Conservative Thinking Out Loud!

Yes, Mr. Obama may have had fleeting associations with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, but I’m certain he never bombed the Pentagon.

Yes, I am certain Mr. Obama participated in church services led by racist minister Jeremiah Wright, but I’m relatively certain he slept through 20 years of racist pulpit ranting and was never personally affected by Wright’s anti-white points of view. I’m almost certain Michelle and the kids were as equally unaffected.

Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Obama may have received a sweetheart home deal arranged by mobster Tony Rezko, but that doesn’t mean the Obama’s are crooked. In these days of sub-prime lending to persons who cannot pay mortgages, it was only reasonable to take over a home they couldn’t afford, more or less validating Jimmy Carter’s Community Redevelopment Act.

As for his possible association with the crooked Illinois Governor Blagojevich and the possibility Mr. Obama was somehow responsible in the auctioning of his soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat; I don’t believe any of it. Mr. Obama would never sanction anything so illegal. Even though Mr. Obama campaigned for Mr. Blagojevich on several occasions and raised money for him and met with him several times recently, I’m sure that it was all a ploy to discover whether or not the rumors of Blagojevich’s possible insanity had any merit.

And what about that birth certificate controversy? Isn’t Mr. Obama permitted his secrecy here? Must he really produce a valid document to prove he’s an American citizen? Does it matter that his grandmother swears he was born in Kenya or that his birth daddy was a British citizen and his step-dad was a Muslim Indonesian citizen? Why does Mr. Obama have to hire three law firms to protect this valuable document from public view? Why can’t the public just leave the poor man alone and let him assume the mantle of “The World’s Most Powerful Leader”? If it turns out later the American public elected a usurper then the precedent will be established, opening the door of the Presidency to Arnold Schwarzenegger and possibly to a soon-to-be-deposed Robert Mugabe!

All of these are “distractions”.

I would like to hear more about what Mr. Obama is going to do about Russian naval vessels in Venezuela and nuclear materials in Iran. I would like to hear what his intentions are toward North Korea’s stalling on their nuclear shut down. I would like to know Mr. Obama’s true intentions regarding Israel and that nation’s continuing peril at the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah. I would like to know if he will continue the security policies that have been keeping American streets safe since the murders of 9/11/2001.

I already know he will raise taxes and increase entitlement programs. I already know he supports the unions that have been destroying America’s capitalist businesses and America’s educational establishments. I already know he supports continuous illegal immigration. I already know he is intending to destroy the best of the world’s medical establishments with national health care. I already know he intends to nominate judges that will continue and possibly expand the American Left’s unrestricted abortion idealism.

Mr. Obama’s love of Karl Marx and Saul Alinski is no secret. That he considered communists and racists his mentors is well documented in his autobiographies. So tell me something I don’t know.

No. Mr. Obama seems to be a gift. He is untouched and unfazed by all the corruption surrounding his rise to the nation’s highest political office. He is truly the one. He must be. He has to be. How could so many voters be so misinformed or so completely ignorant to think that Mr. Obama could be as corrupt and decadent as Wright, Ayers, Rezko, Pfleger, Blagojevich and their circle of crude, rude and arrogant associates.

Nah! From all that scum there has to be at least one untarnished politician. Do you think?

Originally posted December 2008 Minor title revision, Sarcasm unchanged.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: Just Keep Those Abortions Coming Mr. President!

And so I read the recent report by Michael W. Chapman entitled: “NYC: More Black Babies Killed by Abortion than Born”. Mr. Chapman's report is based on a bureaucratic report from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and relayed through CNS News.

What the report boiled down to was 32,000 legal black family murders (abortions) compared to only 24,000 births to black families. Meanwhile, Mississippi was busy aborting 72 percent of their black children.

Margaret Sanger would be so proud!

Why do we see reports like these as blog headlines, or items on the Drudge Report? Why isn't this type of genocide reported in the mainstream media? Where are the voices of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or the membership of the NAACP? And what about that black guy in the white house who is supposed to be the president of all people?

Why, as a white, conservative male Christian do I care that the black community is permitting such self-destruction or that Hispanics now outnumber blacks as a minority group.

Well, perhaps it is for the best. The recent spate of “flash mob” violence and theft without arrest or conviction has been committed by unsupervised black children and young adults. The “knockout assault game” phenomena shows a greater black against white ratio; again without much arrest or conviction. The New Black Panthers were not arrested or convicted by our black United States attorney general Eric Holder for voter intimidation. Too, the incredible spike in the murder rate of Chicago is due to blacks killing other blacks.

Let's not leave out the fact that more than 40 percent of all black children born in the United States are now born into single parent (mainly female) families. The recent U.S. Census reporting for the first time that black, single-parent households now outnumber black, two-parent households.

The black community of the U.S. is under assault. The socialist Democrat Party of America has created a society of dependents. The Democrat's solution to all the above problems is more welfare, disability, abortion opportunities and continual class warfare.

Republicans believe in personal responsibility. If you make a baby, you should raise the baby. If you have a job, your work ethic should be one of pride in productivity. If you do not have a job, you should be educating and retraining into any field looking for workers. Government assistance should be the last resort.

All I can offer is prayer. I wish I could offer leadership, but all your white Democrat leaders have failed you and they haven't relinquished any of their power to any capable black person. That guy in the White House; calling himself President is more interested in golf and house parties than in actually representing the country; creating jobs or protecting our national borders.

It is true. You get what you vote for.

HILLARY CLINTON – Tricked! Lied To! – What A Putz!

The madam who would be king now insists that it was Bush’s lies that caused her to vote for the Iraq war resolution, even though her own speech before Congress, along with her colleague Jay Rockefeller’s warnings of Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (October 2002) went into persuading their fellow democrat-icks to perform the lemming-like dance of support for homeland protection.

I plucked this from the Rush Limbaugh website: “RUSH: This is an interesting story, too, from the Washington Post's John Solomon and Matthew Mosk writing. “Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have operated a family charity since 2001, but she failed to list it on annual Senate financial disclosure reports on five occasions. The Ethics in Government Act requires members of Congress to disclose positions they hold with any outside entity, including nonprofit foundations. Hillary Clinton has served her family foundation as treasurer and secretary since it was established in December 2001, but none of her ethics reports since then have disclosed that fact. The foundation has enabled the Clintons to write off more than $5 million from their taxable personal income since 2001, while dispensing $1.25 million in charitable contributions over that period. Clinton 's spokesman said her failure to report the existence of the family foundation and the senator's position as an officer was an oversight.” Yes, her mind was Jell-O, Jell-O, Jell-O. “Her office immediately amended her Senate ethics reports to add that information late yesterday after receiving inquiries from The Washington Post.”

“Her office immediately amended…” after she was finally caught misreporting for five years! No fines or penalties and no further scrutiny against the madam who wants to be crowned king of America . Yes, that’s “king”. She will not be a subordinate “queen”.

Madam Clinton is a putz! She was lied to and fooled by President Bush who has a reputation of being not all that smart in the first place! She was fooled for years by her own husband as she sat in front of media’s camera denying her husband had any affair with Gennifer Flowers. She was fooled into believing she was someone important when she was given the bureaucratic behemoth of national health care that died a quick death in a democrat controlled Congress who could see the slow national death by supervision that was planned by the smartest woman in her own mind!

She could not recall many things while in the White House. She could not recall how all the personnel in the White House travel office lost their jobs. She could not recall where she misplaced the Rose Law Firm records that pointed to a Clinton land deal with a lot of holes in it. She could not recall how she gained $100,000 in cattle future deals with only a small investment. She could not recall where she misplaced 900 FBI files of Republicans she considered enemies. She could not recall being angry at Paula Jones for ratting out Willy Jeff’s attempted rape or Juanita Broaderick’s testimony of Willy Jeff’s actual rape.

If her brain is absent all those important facts, what makes her believe she is capable of being anything but a nurse-maid to her forgotten child?

There is plenty more and it will all come out. She can’t keep attacking her opponents without taking back some personal heat. Personally I can’t wait until the first debate of any consequence. She will not allow any man to best her and any man who goes against Clinton in a debate had better determine to destroy her. She will surely have her fangs sharp and her lies ready. If the liberal democrat candidates refuse to go for Hillary’s throat they may as well stop spending campaign cash now and go home to their mommy. They’re whipped!

America will crumble under the proposed socialistic policies of any liberal administration. America needs to be protected; as much from liberalism as from Islamic terrorism and illegal alien invasion from Mexico .

This column was originally written March 1, 2007 and submitted to under the same title. Hillary Clinton has not changed one iota. Of the four men killed under her watch as Secretary of State, she stated in front of a congressional inquiry: “What difference does it make!”. She accepted no responsibility at all for the tragedy of Benghazi.