Saturday, March 1, 2014

HILLARY CLINTON – Tricked! Lied To! – What A Putz!

The madam who would be king now insists that it was Bush’s lies that caused her to vote for the Iraq war resolution, even though her own speech before Congress, along with her colleague Jay Rockefeller’s warnings of Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (October 2002) went into persuading their fellow democrat-icks to perform the lemming-like dance of support for homeland protection.

I plucked this from the Rush Limbaugh website: “RUSH: This is an interesting story, too, from the Washington Post's John Solomon and Matthew Mosk writing. “Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have operated a family charity since 2001, but she failed to list it on annual Senate financial disclosure reports on five occasions. The Ethics in Government Act requires members of Congress to disclose positions they hold with any outside entity, including nonprofit foundations. Hillary Clinton has served her family foundation as treasurer and secretary since it was established in December 2001, but none of her ethics reports since then have disclosed that fact. The foundation has enabled the Clintons to write off more than $5 million from their taxable personal income since 2001, while dispensing $1.25 million in charitable contributions over that period. Clinton 's spokesman said her failure to report the existence of the family foundation and the senator's position as an officer was an oversight.” Yes, her mind was Jell-O, Jell-O, Jell-O. “Her office immediately amended her Senate ethics reports to add that information late yesterday after receiving inquiries from The Washington Post.”

“Her office immediately amended…” after she was finally caught misreporting for five years! No fines or penalties and no further scrutiny against the madam who wants to be crowned king of America . Yes, that’s “king”. She will not be a subordinate “queen”.

Madam Clinton is a putz! She was lied to and fooled by President Bush who has a reputation of being not all that smart in the first place! She was fooled for years by her own husband as she sat in front of media’s camera denying her husband had any affair with Gennifer Flowers. She was fooled into believing she was someone important when she was given the bureaucratic behemoth of national health care that died a quick death in a democrat controlled Congress who could see the slow national death by supervision that was planned by the smartest woman in her own mind!

She could not recall many things while in the White House. She could not recall how all the personnel in the White House travel office lost their jobs. She could not recall where she misplaced the Rose Law Firm records that pointed to a Clinton land deal with a lot of holes in it. She could not recall how she gained $100,000 in cattle future deals with only a small investment. She could not recall where she misplaced 900 FBI files of Republicans she considered enemies. She could not recall being angry at Paula Jones for ratting out Willy Jeff’s attempted rape or Juanita Broaderick’s testimony of Willy Jeff’s actual rape.

If her brain is absent all those important facts, what makes her believe she is capable of being anything but a nurse-maid to her forgotten child?

There is plenty more and it will all come out. She can’t keep attacking her opponents without taking back some personal heat. Personally I can’t wait until the first debate of any consequence. She will not allow any man to best her and any man who goes against Clinton in a debate had better determine to destroy her. She will surely have her fangs sharp and her lies ready. If the liberal democrat candidates refuse to go for Hillary’s throat they may as well stop spending campaign cash now and go home to their mommy. They’re whipped!

America will crumble under the proposed socialistic policies of any liberal administration. America needs to be protected; as much from liberalism as from Islamic terrorism and illegal alien invasion from Mexico .

This column was originally written March 1, 2007 and submitted to under the same title. Hillary Clinton has not changed one iota. Of the four men killed under her watch as Secretary of State, she stated in front of a congressional inquiry: “What difference does it make!”. She accepted no responsibility at all for the tragedy of Benghazi.

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