Monday, March 10, 2014


Whenever a liberal mouthpiece from the black community has no legitimate rebuttal of any logical conservative point or position, the fall-back position of the liberal, black leader is a claim of racism. President Obama believes his policies are being rejected, not because they are stupid, or communist, or liberal-socialist or monitored by imbecilic, liberal bird-brains, but because he is black. It doesn't matter that Obama is wrong. It might be true that he is black, but his policies are rejected by conservatives simply because Obama is stupid.

Yet, Obama isn't the only stupid, black liberal; pretending to be a qualified leader. There is a whole host of black leaders within the congressional black caucus that fully support the inane policies of Barack Hussein Obama. Congressman Elijah Cummings has assumed the mantel of IRS guardian by crying the racist wolf against anyone attempting to investigate the IRS for election rigging.

Congressman Cummings believes it is his sworn duty to obstruct any investigation of the IRS because the President (whose butt is being covered) said there is not “one smidgen of corruption” to be found in the vaunted department. Now, we who care about truth, know that statement to be a lie. If it were true, then why is Lois Lerner (person of interest in the investigation) claiming her rights against self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment; refusing to answer any legitimate question from Congress?

If there is truly no corruption to be found, why wouldn't the managers of the IRS be lining up to extol their myriad virtues and absolute purity? Why is Congressman Cummings so intent on changing the subject of the investigation to the racism of Chairman Darrel (not a racist bone in his body) Issa?

Well, if you like your Doctor...if you like your insurance...blah...blah...blah!

And I read today that all the congressional democrats are staying up all night, in session, to discuss global warming and climate change.

No. They will not discuss high, black unemployment rates.

No, they will not discuss the 72 percent abortion rate for black babies in Mississippi or the 42 percent abortion rate for black babies in New York State.

No. They will not discuss the New York City Mayor's attempt to shut down charter schools servicing minority neighborhoods.

But they will probably allow Elijah Cummings to bloviate about having his microphone turned off by that terrible, racist Darrel Issa!

Charles Rangel did not face the ethics committee because of his incessant tax cheating. He was racially persecuted because of his skin color.

Louisiana Congressman Jefferson was not kicked out of Congress for hiding bribe money in his household freezer, then misappropriating rescue vehicles to save his kickback bucks from Katrina flood waters. He was kicked out of Congress because he was black.

And don't get me started on Maxine Waters and her husband's questionable bank deals. Someone might find it in their best interest to call me a racist.


It isn't the color of anyone's skin. It is the statist, liberal-socialist and communist positions of the left. Their policies have not improved life in America. Every family in America's middle class of every race has been damaged by the idiotic policies of a stupid man who believes he is God's great gift.

Well, Obama has successfully destroyed America's middle class. Elijah Cummings, in his obstruction of the IRS investigation is in full support of Obama's destructive policies. Thank you Mr. Cummings.

Written today: March 11, 2014

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