Monday, April 28, 2014

Here's Something Queer!

This may be older news but…

A Reuters report by Patrick Worsnip (18 December) caught my eye for its reference to “gay rights”. Knowing the idea of gay rights to be those of special rights afforded people who choose immoral lifestyles over the natural and normal sexual lifestyle ordained by and spoken of by Jesus, I was curious as to why the United Nations (not a particularly faith supporting organization) would fail to support something decidedly anti-God.

Anyway, here’s the first paragraph: “The U.N. General Assembly split over the issue of gay rights on Thursday after a European-drafted statement calling for decriminalization of homosexuality prompted an Arab-backed one opposing it.”

We know homosexuality has made wide inroads into European society and the report tells us that 66 nations signed on to this “decriminalization” effort. This is probably to their civil credit even though damning to their spiritual standing. Still it is another attempt by men to justify their personal lusts against God’s expressed wisdom and it is the Nations of Islam largely standing in the way of the full acceptance of sexual decadence.

Sixty nations signed on to the counter-statement and neither statement generated a resolution or a vote. The issue is not dead. The report tells us that each statement is still open for members to sign. It was also noted that the Unites States signed neither statement citing conflicts with several laws on American books. This was the argument of the Arab nations as well. They prefer not to let Europeans determine what is acceptable and not acceptable sexually in their separate nations.

From the article: “The European Union-backed document…urged states "to take all the necessary measures, in particular legislative or administrative, to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention.”

The article noted that 77 nations declare homosexuality “illegal” and that seven of those nations have a death penalty attached to homosexual discovery. Admittedly a death penalty may be a bit extreme but that penalty was ordained by God a long time beforethe world’s redemption by Jesus the Messiah. Although most Western Nations are now more tolerant of sexual deviancy do these Western Nations have any right to force any other nation into judicial codes believed to be amoral?

I believe all those diplomats should be given a photocopy or a slide presentation of Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Chapter One for a little perspective from God’s point of view.

Now, here’s another queer thing from today’s news.

I saw a quick blurb on MSN that Barack Obama is considering a gay man for Secretary of the Navy. I tried to “Google” that but my computer wouldn’t open any of the articles. I next checked the December 19th edition of the “Stars and Stripes” and sure enough, there was a seven paragraph article: “Report: Gay man backed for Navy secretary post”.

The most interesting sentence included this “…a move that would put the first openly gay person at the top of one of the services.” Well, when talking of sexuality I suppose someone must always be “at the top”.

The article pointed out that: “Some top retired military leaders and some Democrats in Congress are backing William White…” for the position and I’m sure Mr. White is probably qualified, being recommended by “Former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff general Hugh Shelton among others.

Mr. White will face Senate confirmation and I am wondering just how the Senate questioning will be conducted? Will he be asked for instance about soda cans and pubic hair? Will he be asked if he has a romantic proclivity toward Barney Frank? Probably not, but any Conservative should be concerned about Mr. White’s position on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and should be just as tough with that type of questioning as any liberal asking a Bush nominee about Roe vs. Wade!

This seems to be Obama’s first step into creating the special rights demanded by gay activism. Mr. White’s position will be a civilian position not in conflict with current military policy, but the implication of confirming a homosexual to the rank of Navy Secretary will be that the door is now open to permit gay activists wholesale changes to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.

I won’t put that cart before the horse though. The whole idea could be a tease. Should Mr. White not move beyond mere consideration, I’m sure the liberals would find a way of blaming that on conservative homophobia or bias. They certainly would not ascribe it to the immoral sexual proclivities inherent to homosexuality.

If I were on the Senate confirmation panel I believe I would cast my questions to Mr. White from Paul’s Letter to the Romans.

Author's Note: Originally published in February, 2009. We can see by what has happened since, our illustrious elected usurper-in-chief has managed to spread the influence of homosexuality throughout the United States Military and managed the repeal; of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” (Which was the law of the land.)
Apparently, no one is reading Paul's Letter to the Romans (whose empire fell quite hard after its wholesale acceptance of immoral lifestyle arrangements.)

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Gee. Michael Moore can put together two hours of hate filled lies; call it documentary and get a standing ovation. I disagree with Barack Obama’s rose-colored look at America; using truth mind you; and I am the evil blankety-blank-blanker that needs to go blank myself with a blankety-blank-blank. Gee.

Tell me then; which speaker before the DNC condemned the ACLU’s attack against the Boy Scouts of America? Which speaker called for even a little tolerance for the Boy Scouts’ point of view?

Tell me also: which speaker before the DNC asked for patience from those breaking the laws of marriage and the rules under the Defense of Marriage Act? Which speaker politely asked the anarchists to stop their lawbreaking and wait until the courts and the Congress could properly address their grievances?

Which speaker was bold enough to ask the nation’s activist judges to stop making law from the bench? Which speaker was thoughtful enough to respectfully request the nation’s liberal judges to abide by the Constitutional separation of powers?

Which speaker asked for compromise on tax plans? Which speaker called for fairness from the world community when in trade with America? Which speaker was bold enough to tell John Kerry “NO” when he said, “we will only go to war when we have to”?


Every speaker stood in support of every aspect of liberal dogma. Kerry is the man. If Barack Obama was the man, then there would have been a draft petition and Illinois would have nominated their favorite son.

Mr. Obama may well be a new breed of politician. Or, after one year in the senate he may end up sounding more like Clinton than Clinton. I hope that never comes to pass, but, Mr. Obama will not be allowed to tell the Democrat Powers that be, anything. He will have to sit, listen, and wait his turn. It is a shame.

Until the Democrat Party can replace every one of their old liberal farts, and until the Republicans can get rid of their do nothing moderates and obstructionist Republic-rats, replacing them with more of the likes of the likeable Obama, you won’t be able to hang your hope on anything except more pork and higher taxes. Oh, you’ll have your socialized medicine and your downsized military and a unilateral retreat from the war on terrorism after a halfhearted declaration of victory; but, at what cost?

Things will keep blowing up in American streets, taxes will continue to rise and Democrats will continue to blame Republicans for all the woes of the world.

Do you want to save a good man? Vote away the Kennedy, the Pelosi, the Daschle, the Leahey, the Frank, the Rangel, the Kerry and the rest of the left most. Get some more new “rising-star-like” blood in there and then get them to explain their heart, not their liberal, emotional, lock-stepped opinions. While you’re at it, vote out the McCain’s and the Lott’s and any other do nothing, taking up space, moderate Republican. Then, maybe, things will actually begin getting done.

Compromise with evil and sin is not compromise. Evil always smothers Good. It happens every day.

It has been said that Michael Moore movies are great because, though filled with lies, they get people talking.

Truth has a strange way of doing that too. The truth is, God does not compromise with evil, and neither should we. Jesus went to a cross, and all he had to do to inherit the whole world was bow to a devil. He chose to die for the world.

I choose not to bow to devils.

Liberals rant and they call it art. Conservatives opine (rant-ing-ly sometimes) and they call it balnkety-blank-blank. Gee.

Now, I did read Mr. Obama’s entire transcript and I admitted he had some good things to say. I will be watching the “rising star” and I will hope right along with the rest of you that Mr. Obama’s rise to political fame is not an aberration; but a portent of possibility.

We shall see.

When Mr. Obama stops toeing the liberal line and draws his own personal line in the sand, I may be able to say then that the Democrats have “something special”.

Author's note: Originally posted to August 2004.

I caught some email flack from several liberals; demanding I give Barack Hussein Obama a chance. This second column about the foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in-chief was in response. Now, this was before I learned of Obama's forged Selective Service Card, Obama's phony Social Security Card, Obama's land deal with Tony Resko (criminal), Obama's inability to produce a real birth certificate, Obama's 20 year affiliation with a Black Liberation Theology racist minister (Jeremiah Wright), Obama's lack of passport records, Indonesian citizenship records, college transcripts, law firm records, Illinois state senate voting records and his affiliation for allowing domestic terrorist William Ayers write his so-called autobiographies.

I was right all along. Barack Hussein Obama will become the trivia question: “What President of the United States was the biggest ass-hat ever?”

Friday, April 18, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA -The DNC Convention’s Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

He had it down pat.

There was the conservative tilt of the head; the eye contact; the voice inflections and the rhetoric of a learned liberal purveyor of moderate conservatism. Max Burns was right: “The Clinton torch, however, was passed on to an equally capable man, the future Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama.” That is just great; another Clintonian!

Max wasn’t just impressed. He wrote: “I cannot recall ever seeing a young candidate such as Obama who I would honestly vote for right now if he ran for President. Obama has that something.” Perhaps it is “gravitas”?

Michelle Malsbury, in her column, “I Have a Hope” wrote: “I have been watching the Democratic national Convention and loving every moment of it! One bright and shining rising star among Democrats is Barack Obama…”

Who can deal with such high praise?

I am sorry I did not get to see Mr. Obama’s keynote address. I was only able to see snippets from the news channels over here. Mostly, Clinton’s face was everywhere. The “International herald Tribune” which I receive had more on Howard Dean than on Barack Obama. I did go into Mr. Obama’s web site though, thanks to the link provided by Ms. Malsbury. I also printed out Mr. Obama’s keynote transcript; where I read:

Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America.”

Oh, how I wish. I wish there were not 5 states in the dis-union that do not defend the proper form of marriage between men and women. I wish there were just one state in the dis-union that would refuse to have murderous abortions performed within its borders. I wish every state in the nation would be united in a death penalty for premeditated murderers and radical killers of the innocent. I read this too:

There’s not a black America and white America, and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.”

But that doesn’t get anyone “affirmative action” or “minority preference” or “quotas” on hiring, and it might even lead to people who are actually criminals in America being locked up instead of put on probation or given early release based on racial quotas. It might also take away the ability of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to extort money from American corporations by playing the race card. And what of OJ Simpson-like trials? Oh, if only it were true. Then I read:

The pundits, (Rush Limbaugh Perhaps?), like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States, but I’ve got news for them too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue states and we have gay friends in the Red States.”

Yes, but you also kick out the Ten Commandments from the halls of justice and public education. You disallow the name of Jesus in the public arena and teach Islam and Transcendental Meditation. You allow funding to be taken away from the Boy Scouts of America for trying to keep homosexual predators out of the campsites of little boys and for giving honor to the God you say is in all States. In ten years will the Little League still play the Star Spangled Banner and have an opening prayer and a Pledge of Allegiance to begin a new Baseball Season? Oh, and in case you haven’t read it; there’s been no “poking” around anyone’s library and that according to one of your Democratic own.
And so I read:

We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”

What country does Mr. Obama live in? Michael Mooreites, or Michael Mooreons, or Michael Mooreists, or Michael Come-on-and-give-us-Moore-Bush-bashing aficionados do not defend the United States. According to Mr. Liberal Icon of the Moment, all Americans are STUPID! Sadly, the United States Supreme Court is hearing cases against that very Pledge of Allegiance. Anyone who does not uphold the values of America is permitted to burn our stars and stripes or sit down while the majority chooses to honor the nation of America. No, “we are [not] one people.” Max, the guy you would vote for President, does not know this country.

That was in the keynote speech by Mr. Obama. Don’t get me wrong; there was some good stuff in there. Stuff I have been saying all along; stuff that was very conservative and made a lot of sense. He does have that Clinton thing going. He is an excellent “wolf”.

Why do I say that?

This is from a speech text on Mr. Obama’s website: “This Administration walked away from a host of efforts to promote international security, environmental protection, and human rights, including the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, The Biological Weapons Convention; The Kyoto Protocol on global warming, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Criminal court for war crimes and genocide.”

I have previously dealt with a couple of these; but every one is another cash cow for the international community. Not one of these conventions benefits Americans. The International Criminal court was especially established to be used against America. America always stands in compliance with things like the Geneva Convention. The ICC is a court that can try America like many of the liberal courts try cases against Big Tobacco. America ends up paying reparations to everyone for everything while the rest of the world gets to skate and collect American cash. In all these conventions America would be tasked to support with the greatest amount of cash and personnel (much like we do now with the UN) and we would receive nothing (like now) in return. Hey, that’s a lot like the way Democrats tax the Middle Class….eh?

Mr. Obama: The United States MUST [caps mine] give its fair share to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. President Bush’s budget this year actually cuts the US contribution to the Global fun by 64%”. Now, why would that be? Perhaps because it is supposed to be a GLOBAL FUND, and not a fund fully funded by America? We are keeping ourselves comparable in the percentage category and still giving more actual dollars than all the other nations involved. The FUND is upset, because President earmarked an additional 15 billion dollars just for African nations. The FUND wanted those dollars for our good buddies in China and Russia because they do not believe in “wasting” money on people they see are going to die anyway. Better to use American money for that. Don’t forget too that Willie Jeff’s Foundation is still trying to get its hands on the lion share of that money.

I read this too: “The absence of international support not only weakened our credibility and moral authority; it also made the occupation more difficult and dangerous.”


There were several things that made the occupation more dangerous. The first was the Senate debate on the money to support the troops. A DEBATE, while we were on the ground needing things that we could not get because the Senate was DEBATING while troops were DYING! It really had nothing to do with Germany or France. We were there with the support of 60 nations. The rest of the nations did not want us in there because 1) they are dictatorships just like Iraq was 2) they have just as many mass graves as Saddam had 3) they already hated America and were extremely jealous of American Power 4) they fell in line with the Democrats in stating their HATRED for President Bush, during a time of conflict that the government needed full support. 5) it was going to cost them money 6) they were actually going to have to physically DO something, not just talk about doing something like with DARFOR, Sudan right now. 7) they had contracts with Saddam and stood to lose their oil concessions and UN Oil for FOOD Kickbacks if Iraq fell. 8) we are still letting foreign bad guys waltz across the borders of Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia. I think it might be time to attack someone else….eh?

Finally, I read this: “We know from last week’s Senate report on US intelligence failures, the very reasons we presented to the world for going to war in Iraq were also wrong.” Well, you can debate that with all the people who were slated by Saddam to end up in a mass grave but did not, because of the invasion. You can also discuss this with Senator Jay Rockefeller; a member of that same intelligence committee, responsible for full oversight of all intelligence. You can also read the full text of his 2002 address to the Senate on why we needed to attack Saddam. He argued for immediate action.

So Mr., Obama knows how to enter the political arena. Find a spot you can run unopposed then take your best moderate conservative shot. After that, he will have to toe-the-line of Daschle, and Frank, and Leahey and Kennedy and Kerry in hopes of moving up the democratic ladder of “hope”. He must be willing to accept his role as being used by the party of hope though and he should not expect to get past Hillary without being prepared to kiss her ring. But he’s got it down pat. He knows how to act the sheep before being the wolf. Good luck Mr. Obama.

Author's Note:

This was the very first column I wrote concerning Barack Hussein Obama. I don't want to brag about my prescience but I know a liberal communist when I hear one or read one. Now, 10 years later, my opinions are validated as the liberals, socialists, communists, statists, homosexuals and atheists cheer their messianic, foreign-born-but-elected-usurper hero. This column was originally posted in in August 2004 under the same title. (There has been some minor editing of the original copy.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why Do Christians Bother?

Apologetics has been around ever since the first skeptic swore to the mythology of the Holy Bible. Christians have always been able to take the dark sides of the skeptical arguments and show them mostly spiritual folly.

The war that Christians fight has never been a physical war. Oh, yes, Christians have gone to war to protect the faith against the scourges of religiosity and atheism. Christianity has never really been about religion. Many religions have been formed in the name of Christ, but many of these do not hit the mark spiritually.

We see the problem is man, interposing himself into laws reserved for God’s judgment. Somehow a man will not see the severity of sin and suggest that God has special types of punishments that aren’t very severe; matching in some way the severity of the sin.

All of that kind of thinking is wishful thinking. The scriptures treat even the least of sin as guilt against all the law. Until men realize that even the smallest transgression is as punishable as the greatest sin they will continue erring on the side of spiritual ignorance.

Those who would write about the ignorance of Christians just because they don’t trust certain sciences to save their spirit don’t know what they are talking about. When they begin their debates and arguments by first denigrating those they disagree with it will never matter what follows from their mouth or their pen. Their heart is known and the hatred is apparent. One should never try to debate through anger.

Again, the war of the Christian is not in the physical plane. The warfare is always in the realm of the spiritual. To forget that and go into the physical realm to try to prove any point of faith to someone who does not believe is folly. God deals with souls on a spiritual level. The scriptures remind Christians that we do not “wrestle with flesh and blood” but with “principalities and powers” God is very familiar with.

The words and thoughts of the wisest human are never equal to those of God. God is the creator and the sole authority of everything that exists. The scriptures tell us that everything in the world “consists” because God permits that. God makes that happen. We who stand in belief do not have to prove an observable fact. When was the last time you saw any man capable of speaking the dead back to life, or the ill back to wellness?

The accomplishments of Jesus are well attested. The witnesses to the events of the life of Jesus were simple men who simply reported what they observed and heard from the only person ever to be resurrected.

The Apostle John wrote of his experiences that he had seen with his eyes, heard with his ears, and handled the Son of God and the Word that had become flesh.

Truly this is the only testimony a Christian needs to counter the skeptic. Paul used such testimony in every city he visited. The history of the birth, death and resurrection of God in the flesh is verifiable in the lives of those who have received and believed the testimony God gives of his son. Belief is not an act of ignorance. Belief comes through knowledge and acceptance of knowledge.

Christians bother to counter the arguments of the ignorant because they are prompted by a Spirit that resides with them. Since God is not willing that any man perish that too should be the thought of a Christian who has secured his relationship with Jesus. We also counter such debates because it is important to the lives of those who struggle with belief. No Christian wants to be charged with the blood of anyone. It is better to give the word and allow those without faith to be responsible for their own standing before God.

And that is the bottom line. Will Jesus say to you “well done” or will he say “depart from me.” One day we will each have that answer.

Written by me under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh for December 2005

It May Seem It Doesn’t Matter – Say It Anyway

Within the framework of spiritual conversation it may seem that your voice lacks authority and that your working knowledge is somewhat deficient. No Christian should concern himself with that however. The most important aspect of any dealings with the unbeliever is that you are versed in the Word of God.

God has promised us that if we speak his word it will never return “void”. It will always have the effect God intended it to have upon the hearer. Sometimes that effect is anger. Many times it will seem that there is no effect at all, but trusting God’s promise we can be assured his word always holds impact.

We do not have to try to maintain any conversation leading away from scripture. Those conversations are usually based in vanity or in the pride of the unbeliever. Unbelievers are always prideful that they can sway a believer from his spiritual point. The unbeliever needs to do that because they cannot evenly argue on the spiritual plane. The Word of God was penned by the Spirit of God and is therefore discernible on that level.

When the unbeliever cannot get around a particular spiritual point they charge the Christian with “circular” reasoning. Well, any point of spiritual reasoning that does not return to God’s word is worthless in directing a soul to God. Salvation is by faith. Faith can only come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. This is a proven point. Those who have read God’s word and have received the Spirit of God, know God and can claim relationship with Jesus.

Those who seek other ways of personal enlightenment or choose other physical means of personal pleasure to try to sit in the spiritual plane usually end up mired in repetitious prayers or some form of occult practices, or simply go day to day happily self-indulging themselves completely ignorant of anything spiritual.

Then there is the religionist who must always do what his religious leaders direct. Some of those religious leaders, we have seen, direct their followers into sinful practices apart from anything the Lord ever spoke of. This is how we understand the false from the true. We can see a religion that practices hate and murder having nothing in common with Jesus, who preached only love and protection of the weak. We can see any religion preaching a doctrine of works is a spiritual failure. They may do many good works in the name of particular religions, but they are not acting in the name of the True God who says it is faith, not works, that saves the soul.

Too, there are many who misinterpret that idea. A True Christian is always working for God, but his works before faith meant only that he worked for self, while the works completed in faith are those honoring God. How many people in the world have monuments and statues and testimonials to them regarding all the great works they did while they lived? How many of those same people looked at the works as works of God? Jesus said the works he did were the works of the Father. All glory belonged to God and all glory belongs to God. Men just have to get out of the way and let others see God in their work.

In the realm of the worldly there is nothing wrong with men of the world honoring their own. Atheists are generally proud of those who voice forth their scientific theories and their physical accomplishments. This is as it should be. These same voices find the time to denigrate men of faith and dishonor those who choose works based in faith over the physical works of the world. Why they need to place themselves so far above those already practicing meekness is anyone’s guess. My own opinion is that fear keys such attitude.

It is very important that the atheist denigrate the man of faith. He must prove the man of faith wrong or he is wrong. If the atheist is wrong then fear becomes panic and panic evolves into irrationality. Christians are suddenly bigots, and homophobes, and intolerant bullies when nothing could be further from such accusation.

Perhaps one day atheists will stop fearing the simple words of faith and love and hope. Perhaps one day a Christian will speak his word in season and not have to suffer the intolerant attitude of negativity and unbelief. Perhaps one day all the atheists in the world will determine they can live much more peacefully and with much less stress if they would just avoid reading the word of God in an attempt to destroy the indestructible.

Jesus only walked the earth 33 or 34 years and only preached during his final three. His small group of followers should never have had the impact they had were it not for the indwelling Spirit and the words they later penned to a growing church body. Christianity should never have survived the initial persecutions. The Hebrew/Christian Bible should never have been assembled. Having been assembled, it never should have been translated into the common languages of the people.

The point is everything the world could have done to stop the impact of the Words of God’s Son, Jesus, including killing the Christ was done. None of it worked. The message prevailed against every attack of Satan and will continue to prevail against every attack every atheist with a pen can put together. So Christian, it may seem it doesn’t matter what you say. Say it anyway. We already know what the response will be. Say it anyway.

This was originally written under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh for the website in 2005