Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It May Seem It Doesn’t Matter – Say It Anyway

Within the framework of spiritual conversation it may seem that your voice lacks authority and that your working knowledge is somewhat deficient. No Christian should concern himself with that however. The most important aspect of any dealings with the unbeliever is that you are versed in the Word of God.

God has promised us that if we speak his word it will never return “void”. It will always have the effect God intended it to have upon the hearer. Sometimes that effect is anger. Many times it will seem that there is no effect at all, but trusting God’s promise we can be assured his word always holds impact.

We do not have to try to maintain any conversation leading away from scripture. Those conversations are usually based in vanity or in the pride of the unbeliever. Unbelievers are always prideful that they can sway a believer from his spiritual point. The unbeliever needs to do that because they cannot evenly argue on the spiritual plane. The Word of God was penned by the Spirit of God and is therefore discernible on that level.

When the unbeliever cannot get around a particular spiritual point they charge the Christian with “circular” reasoning. Well, any point of spiritual reasoning that does not return to God’s word is worthless in directing a soul to God. Salvation is by faith. Faith can only come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. This is a proven point. Those who have read God’s word and have received the Spirit of God, know God and can claim relationship with Jesus.

Those who seek other ways of personal enlightenment or choose other physical means of personal pleasure to try to sit in the spiritual plane usually end up mired in repetitious prayers or some form of occult practices, or simply go day to day happily self-indulging themselves completely ignorant of anything spiritual.

Then there is the religionist who must always do what his religious leaders direct. Some of those religious leaders, we have seen, direct their followers into sinful practices apart from anything the Lord ever spoke of. This is how we understand the false from the true. We can see a religion that practices hate and murder having nothing in common with Jesus, who preached only love and protection of the weak. We can see any religion preaching a doctrine of works is a spiritual failure. They may do many good works in the name of particular religions, but they are not acting in the name of the True God who says it is faith, not works, that saves the soul.

Too, there are many who misinterpret that idea. A True Christian is always working for God, but his works before faith meant only that he worked for self, while the works completed in faith are those honoring God. How many people in the world have monuments and statues and testimonials to them regarding all the great works they did while they lived? How many of those same people looked at the works as works of God? Jesus said the works he did were the works of the Father. All glory belonged to God and all glory belongs to God. Men just have to get out of the way and let others see God in their work.

In the realm of the worldly there is nothing wrong with men of the world honoring their own. Atheists are generally proud of those who voice forth their scientific theories and their physical accomplishments. This is as it should be. These same voices find the time to denigrate men of faith and dishonor those who choose works based in faith over the physical works of the world. Why they need to place themselves so far above those already practicing meekness is anyone’s guess. My own opinion is that fear keys such attitude.

It is very important that the atheist denigrate the man of faith. He must prove the man of faith wrong or he is wrong. If the atheist is wrong then fear becomes panic and panic evolves into irrationality. Christians are suddenly bigots, and homophobes, and intolerant bullies when nothing could be further from such accusation.

Perhaps one day atheists will stop fearing the simple words of faith and love and hope. Perhaps one day a Christian will speak his word in season and not have to suffer the intolerant attitude of negativity and unbelief. Perhaps one day all the atheists in the world will determine they can live much more peacefully and with much less stress if they would just avoid reading the word of God in an attempt to destroy the indestructible.

Jesus only walked the earth 33 or 34 years and only preached during his final three. His small group of followers should never have had the impact they had were it not for the indwelling Spirit and the words they later penned to a growing church body. Christianity should never have survived the initial persecutions. The Hebrew/Christian Bible should never have been assembled. Having been assembled, it never should have been translated into the common languages of the people.

The point is everything the world could have done to stop the impact of the Words of God’s Son, Jesus, including killing the Christ was done. None of it worked. The message prevailed against every attack of Satan and will continue to prevail against every attack every atheist with a pen can put together. So Christian, it may seem it doesn’t matter what you say. Say it anyway. We already know what the response will be. Say it anyway.

This was originally written under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh for the website in 2005

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