Friday, April 18, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA -The DNC Convention’s Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

He had it down pat.

There was the conservative tilt of the head; the eye contact; the voice inflections and the rhetoric of a learned liberal purveyor of moderate conservatism. Max Burns was right: “The Clinton torch, however, was passed on to an equally capable man, the future Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama.” That is just great; another Clintonian!

Max wasn’t just impressed. He wrote: “I cannot recall ever seeing a young candidate such as Obama who I would honestly vote for right now if he ran for President. Obama has that something.” Perhaps it is “gravitas”?

Michelle Malsbury, in her column, “I Have a Hope” wrote: “I have been watching the Democratic national Convention and loving every moment of it! One bright and shining rising star among Democrats is Barack Obama…”

Who can deal with such high praise?

I am sorry I did not get to see Mr. Obama’s keynote address. I was only able to see snippets from the news channels over here. Mostly, Clinton’s face was everywhere. The “International herald Tribune” which I receive had more on Howard Dean than on Barack Obama. I did go into Mr. Obama’s web site though, thanks to the link provided by Ms. Malsbury. I also printed out Mr. Obama’s keynote transcript; where I read:

Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America.”

Oh, how I wish. I wish there were not 5 states in the dis-union that do not defend the proper form of marriage between men and women. I wish there were just one state in the dis-union that would refuse to have murderous abortions performed within its borders. I wish every state in the nation would be united in a death penalty for premeditated murderers and radical killers of the innocent. I read this too:

There’s not a black America and white America, and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.”

But that doesn’t get anyone “affirmative action” or “minority preference” or “quotas” on hiring, and it might even lead to people who are actually criminals in America being locked up instead of put on probation or given early release based on racial quotas. It might also take away the ability of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to extort money from American corporations by playing the race card. And what of OJ Simpson-like trials? Oh, if only it were true. Then I read:

The pundits, (Rush Limbaugh Perhaps?), like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States, but I’ve got news for them too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue states and we have gay friends in the Red States.”

Yes, but you also kick out the Ten Commandments from the halls of justice and public education. You disallow the name of Jesus in the public arena and teach Islam and Transcendental Meditation. You allow funding to be taken away from the Boy Scouts of America for trying to keep homosexual predators out of the campsites of little boys and for giving honor to the God you say is in all States. In ten years will the Little League still play the Star Spangled Banner and have an opening prayer and a Pledge of Allegiance to begin a new Baseball Season? Oh, and in case you haven’t read it; there’s been no “poking” around anyone’s library and that according to one of your Democratic own.
And so I read:

We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.”

What country does Mr. Obama live in? Michael Mooreites, or Michael Mooreons, or Michael Mooreists, or Michael Come-on-and-give-us-Moore-Bush-bashing aficionados do not defend the United States. According to Mr. Liberal Icon of the Moment, all Americans are STUPID! Sadly, the United States Supreme Court is hearing cases against that very Pledge of Allegiance. Anyone who does not uphold the values of America is permitted to burn our stars and stripes or sit down while the majority chooses to honor the nation of America. No, “we are [not] one people.” Max, the guy you would vote for President, does not know this country.

That was in the keynote speech by Mr. Obama. Don’t get me wrong; there was some good stuff in there. Stuff I have been saying all along; stuff that was very conservative and made a lot of sense. He does have that Clinton thing going. He is an excellent “wolf”.

Why do I say that?

This is from a speech text on Mr. Obama’s website: “This Administration walked away from a host of efforts to promote international security, environmental protection, and human rights, including the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, The Biological Weapons Convention; The Kyoto Protocol on global warming, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Criminal court for war crimes and genocide.”

I have previously dealt with a couple of these; but every one is another cash cow for the international community. Not one of these conventions benefits Americans. The International Criminal court was especially established to be used against America. America always stands in compliance with things like the Geneva Convention. The ICC is a court that can try America like many of the liberal courts try cases against Big Tobacco. America ends up paying reparations to everyone for everything while the rest of the world gets to skate and collect American cash. In all these conventions America would be tasked to support with the greatest amount of cash and personnel (much like we do now with the UN) and we would receive nothing (like now) in return. Hey, that’s a lot like the way Democrats tax the Middle Class….eh?

Mr. Obama: The United States MUST [caps mine] give its fair share to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. President Bush’s budget this year actually cuts the US contribution to the Global fun by 64%”. Now, why would that be? Perhaps because it is supposed to be a GLOBAL FUND, and not a fund fully funded by America? We are keeping ourselves comparable in the percentage category and still giving more actual dollars than all the other nations involved. The FUND is upset, because President earmarked an additional 15 billion dollars just for African nations. The FUND wanted those dollars for our good buddies in China and Russia because they do not believe in “wasting” money on people they see are going to die anyway. Better to use American money for that. Don’t forget too that Willie Jeff’s Foundation is still trying to get its hands on the lion share of that money.

I read this too: “The absence of international support not only weakened our credibility and moral authority; it also made the occupation more difficult and dangerous.”


There were several things that made the occupation more dangerous. The first was the Senate debate on the money to support the troops. A DEBATE, while we were on the ground needing things that we could not get because the Senate was DEBATING while troops were DYING! It really had nothing to do with Germany or France. We were there with the support of 60 nations. The rest of the nations did not want us in there because 1) they are dictatorships just like Iraq was 2) they have just as many mass graves as Saddam had 3) they already hated America and were extremely jealous of American Power 4) they fell in line with the Democrats in stating their HATRED for President Bush, during a time of conflict that the government needed full support. 5) it was going to cost them money 6) they were actually going to have to physically DO something, not just talk about doing something like with DARFOR, Sudan right now. 7) they had contracts with Saddam and stood to lose their oil concessions and UN Oil for FOOD Kickbacks if Iraq fell. 8) we are still letting foreign bad guys waltz across the borders of Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia. I think it might be time to attack someone else….eh?

Finally, I read this: “We know from last week’s Senate report on US intelligence failures, the very reasons we presented to the world for going to war in Iraq were also wrong.” Well, you can debate that with all the people who were slated by Saddam to end up in a mass grave but did not, because of the invasion. You can also discuss this with Senator Jay Rockefeller; a member of that same intelligence committee, responsible for full oversight of all intelligence. You can also read the full text of his 2002 address to the Senate on why we needed to attack Saddam. He argued for immediate action.

So Mr., Obama knows how to enter the political arena. Find a spot you can run unopposed then take your best moderate conservative shot. After that, he will have to toe-the-line of Daschle, and Frank, and Leahey and Kennedy and Kerry in hopes of moving up the democratic ladder of “hope”. He must be willing to accept his role as being used by the party of hope though and he should not expect to get past Hillary without being prepared to kiss her ring. But he’s got it down pat. He knows how to act the sheep before being the wolf. Good luck Mr. Obama.

Author's Note:

This was the very first column I wrote concerning Barack Hussein Obama. I don't want to brag about my prescience but I know a liberal communist when I hear one or read one. Now, 10 years later, my opinions are validated as the liberals, socialists, communists, statists, homosexuals and atheists cheer their messianic, foreign-born-but-elected-usurper hero. This column was originally posted in in August 2004 under the same title. (There has been some minor editing of the original copy.)

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