Tuesday, February 25, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA -: The Left's Messiah

A while ago; a well known history book recorded a conversation Abraham had with an angel of God. Abraham dared to bargain with God for the salvation of his brother's chosen homeland and God agreed that if there were at least a handful of righteous souls to be found in Sodom and Gomorrah, he would spare the cities from destruction.

We know from history that the Gay Community of Sodom and Gomorrah brought their cities to complete destruction. What is interesting is that men do not earn from the mistakes of Sodom, but are now destined to repeat those mistakes.

We see a President of America who has repeatedly given in to Gay Interests. He has failed to defend the “Defense of Marriage Act” (the law of the land), and has given gays free range with the United States Military by eliminating former President Clinton's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy.

Too, the emphasis of American public schools has greatly shifted from traditional math and science subjects to subjects extolling the virtues of lesbians, homosexual men, transgender and otherwise sexually confused individuals; with every effort possible to get the majority of Americans to accept the abnormal fancies of homosexual special interests.

It does not surprise me anymore when homosexuals get upset at policies and laws attempting to curb their abnormal proclivities and their attempts to re-define “marriage”. God stipulated that a proper marriage was one between a man and a woman. That this idea is rejected by the gay community shows how anti-God and how truly, religiously blind homosexuals are. Homosexuals are openly rebellious to God's expressed will; leaving them hell bound.

The President of Uganda recently signed a law, considered by some to be “anti-gay”. He has come under fire from multiple, opinionated sources as “homophobic” for simply signing a law approved by the Ugandan legislature. The President of Uganda happens to be a confessed “Christian”: a moral man who does not want Ugandans to be unduly influenced by the immorality inherent with homosexuality.

Uganda is not the only country that has legislated against the abnormal special interests of homosexuals, but we can see by the hew and cry of those who have been defending so-called “gay rights” that there are fewer and fewer “righteous” walking the streets of more and more Gamorrahs.

When a dyed-in-the-rainbow liberal like Alec Baldwin has to turn to an elongated magazine article to basically apologize for a gay slur and repeatedly confirm his love toward the gay community or face liberal blacklisting, we begin to understand how deeply traditional society has been corrupted.

Too, there is the hypocrisy ingrained in homosexual acceptance. It is supposedly a wonderful thing that certain players in the National Football League and other professional venues are coming out of the “shadows”. Yet, our overly gay-friendly President would never let his son play football for fear of life-threatening injury.

Homosexuality is not normal. It is a life-style choice based on God granting humans the freedom to reject his love. When a human rejects God, he/she is given over to their lusts; described in scripture as “abnormal”. (Read the First Chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans).

Consider Homosexuality a special interest. As a special interest, homosexuals can be granted rights of assembly, rights to create their own academies of learning with their own special curriculum, rights to create their own communities, have their own clubs and golf courses and to build their own churches.
Homosexuals can freely live with one another under any circumstance they choose to call such associations. Homosexuals can have their own lawyers and laws. They already have political lobbyists and special congressional representation.

What homosexuals want is the complete freedom to set their abnormal, special interest standards on the entirety of traditional society. They have a need to feel better in their rejection of God. They need everyone else in agreement that they know better than God.

Well, America's Gay Community has come a long way in a few short years. There is not one media outlet openly opposed to sexual immorality. Television has become replete with references to the wonderment of this aberrant life-style choice. The special interest LGBT curriculum is now a staple in American public schools.

Fortunately, God can still find a few righteous souls on American streets.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Things that Suck

Congressman and confirmed racist Charles R angel (D-NY) and his incessant calls for the reintroduction of the military draft sucks. This blurb-brained and scurrilous congressman called for a racial breakdown of all the people that have been killed and maimed by the Iraq conflict. He found the greater proportion of the dead and injured are young white men so he isn’t pursuing his idea much further. He is determined to find some avenue where he can blame the President for the deaths of all black people everywhere. The man is a racist idiot. Did I mention he sucks?

Cindy Sheehan sucks. I tried to be nice but she’s not letting me. She has brought shame upon her own son who volunteered to protect America. She blames Bush and Israel for a war begun by Islam. She should be blaming Islam. She doesn’t, therefore, logically, she is just silly. One of her own Anti-War buddies; seeing the real Cindy Sheehan for the first time, recently was quoted: "They've lost their homes, jobs and businesses and gone through fear and panic while you bask in your fan's adulation, party with your celebrity friends and play the star. Shame on you, you're jealous of media coverage of others' suffering. You've become a caricature and I no longer support you. I'm ashamed I ever did." (Foxnews.com) This was after Cindy decried the media for showing more hurricane coverage than coverage of her personal pogrom against all things Republican. Did I mention she sucks?

Holland sucks. Instead of helping solve the mystery in Aruba, they managed to heighten all suspicion by giving sanctuary to possible murderers. I am really not feeling sorry for their current woes with Islamism. Holland really sucks.

France and Germany still suck. That’s nothing new.

The United Nations sucks. Perhaps that entity doesn’t suck as much as France, Germany or Holland independently, but France, Germany and Holland are all members of the United Nations making it suck all that much more.

Liberalism sucks. Liberals have no ideas. Liberals are comforted by hatred. They hate anything that speaks or acts against abortion (which is murder) or tax increases (which is theft) or the anti-war effort (which is treason) or speaks out against Hillary Clinton (which is god).

The current government sucks. Where is law enforcement when it comes to immigration and the deportation of all the illegal Democrat voters running around this country? Why is there still a refusal to profile our greatest enemy; terrorist Islam? Why are we still pussyfooting with environmental idiots who insist we cannot drill where we need to and put up clean hydroelectric and nuclear power generating plants? Why is the government still playing the diplomatic card against Iran; a proven enemy of America? Why are we still asking Israel to take it on the chin while we remain in relative comfort? Our current government really does suck.

I agree with the man who wrote that the states should be made to clean up their own. Federal money should fund the federal; state money should fund the state. Enough of this “all states should be equal in all things crap”. If you really want that and need that kind of equality, then people will make it happen without the intervention of the federal. It is called “Keeping up with the Jones-es.” If you want something bad enough you’ll work for it; not look for someone to hand it to you. If you steal to get it; you go to prison and work off your debt there. That’s called “fairness”. That’s called “justice”.

Louis Farrakhan, Barbara Streisand, Cynthia McKinney, Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Barney Frank, Dick Durbin, Kofi Annan, John Kerry, and a whole host of other mental snood-nicks have been doing a lot of sucking lately. Nothing but gloom and a deep, dark doom pervading every word they speak and every event they sponsor.

I am really tired of the whole Bush-Bash mentality of the liberal left. I am tired of Islamic radicalism. I am tired of Louisiana politics. I am tired of the silliness of the entire Senate judicial committee and its treatment of qualified judges, but then I am tired of the judiciary as a whole as it bends over and allows the United States Constitution to be trashed on behalf of special interests and minorities. It all sucks.

But I sure am happy I live in a country that allows me to point out the card-carrying lunacy of the liberal left and the roll-over-and-play-deadness of the less-than-conservative right.

Originally posted to web site “The Conservative Voice” (Now Townhall.com) September 2005

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Abortion – Personal, Not Political

The Hebrew/Christian scriptures include the injunction “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. The injunction is against premeditated murder. Don’t let it be misunderstood or misinterpreted to include all types of killing. Even the Lord High God ensured the death of many of his historical enemies and he will ensure the second death of all the unbelievers who have the misfortune of appearing before his Great White Throne.

Murder is not political. Murder is always a choice. That choice is always personal. Murderers kill because they find some type of personal satisfaction in ending another human life. No politically motivated law has ever been able to curb someone intent in murder. Though men place murder in various degrees, all murder is the taking of an innocent life for whatever motive the murderer believes valid.

Since the day the American Supreme Court found some right to privacy inherent in the Constitution government has been burdened with creating laws to protect this so-called right. Sodomy, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, gun ownership, child pornography and other individual choices have been bantered about by courts across America, setting precedent upon precedent as to what constitutes the right to privacy.

Why does government concern itself with the personal preferences of individuals?

Many lawyers agree Roe v. Wade is bad law yet they will not petition to change a bad ruling when government had no right to even suggest it had authority over a woman’s womb one way or the other. There are suggestions that say the states should decide the abortion issue when they have no particular right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her pregnancy.

When will the federal, state and local governments come to realize they are intruding on the most important personal choice any woman is ever tasked to make? Can’t all governments step aside and let women talk with their doctors and husbands and boyfriends and clergy and mothers and make their decision based on their own mindset?

Why does abortion have to be discussed politically as if it was in any way important to being elected to high office? Does the candidate who would allow the most abortions win the election? The question should not even be addressed. The issue of abortion belongs only to the individual woman contemplating having one.

You can repeal bad law and still allow a woman to do whatever she believes she needs to do about her pregnancy. History has proven that no two cases are identical. With such a diversity of scenarios it is more prudent to ignore the process and let the woman determine her own course and her own choices. Abortion is an elective medical procedure women sometimes choose. Politicians should get out of the way.

The choice is ultimately the woman’s. I believe most women would make the best choice for their own piece of mind. They should not be forced to make choices based on the voting preferences of any political constituency, but should choose based on the advice of doctors, family, or trusted clergy or friends. The opinions of pundits and dissociated parties need never enter into the decision. If there is an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution that extends to abortion then everyone uninvolved should keep quiet and leave women to their own thoughts and actions.

I have not kept silent as to my own opinion concerning abortion, but I do not stand on picket lines and I do not curse those who have made their choice. I pray for them because of my strongly held personal belief.

I believe all branches of the government should stay out of the woman’s womb. Abortion is never political. It is always personal. 

By Michael John McCrae
May 18, 2007 (Originally posted to www.useless-knowledge.com) 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Atheists: Incorrect on so many fronts.

There has been much said, written and otherwise stressed over concerning the “Ten Commandments” the Lord God Jehovah gave to Moses and Israel at Sinai.

There is really no need for any of that.

You do of course know that Jesus said he did not come to destroy the law or the Prophets but that he came specifically to fulfill all the laws God handed down because all us stupid men and women were perfectly incapable of doing it ourselves.

Know too, since Jesus is God, he is right in everything he says. When the scriptures tell us he fulfilled all the requirements of the law then sat down at God’s right hand, we should not have to question that.

The real scary thing is that people stress over a measly Ten Commandments when there are fully six- hundred and three more rules and ordinances that are part of the Law of Moses, and the scriptures tell men that if you break even the smallest these laws you are guilty of the whole shebang!

Someone is not reading their text however. Real Christians know that once they are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, they are no longer under the mandates of God’s written law. And they certainly do not have to place themselves under some form of man made doctrine either.

Any religion that spouts a “do this, don’t do that” form of worship is just wrong. Salvation has never been by works and never will be by works. Salvation has always been by faith and following the dictate to be “like Christ”.

Well, what does that involve you might ask.

Not much really, other than loving God and loving neighbors as yourself. Jesus said that in those two rules alone are fulfilled all the law and all the Prophets. So that is two rules against 613 laws and ordinances. Gee! Which one should I consider?

The fact of the matter is, almost all law is based in God’s rules for mankind. God put those laws in the hearts of men a long time ago. If he hadn’t, then mankind would not have survived the countless stupidities inflicted with great regularity upon itself.

I know that liberals, atheists and the pharisaical types hate the Bible because it shows them for the hypocrites and the immoral conscripts of Satan that they are. But they’ll have to get over that. The Bible, which is called and considered the True Word of God Himself, is the greatest book in the world and the only real book of meaning when it comes to your eternal existence.

All men are born to live eternally. It is where you will live the eternal part of your existence that must be settled in this physical life. The scriptures tell the True Christian that every thought, word, and deed will not go unnoticed by God, but the question that will mean life or death is; ”What think ye of the Christ, whose son is he?”

The True and Spirit Filled Christian knows exactly who God is and where his home is. So if you don’t have that personal assurance, perhaps you should examine your own relationship with God.

You all have to stop stressing over laws and Commandments though. That isn’t where your eternal bread needs to be buttered.

This column was originally posted at www.useless-knowledge.com under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo (March 2005): Original Title: “The Ten Commandments [You Shouldn't Stress About Religious Law]”
I've revised a few sentences and changed the Title. Atheists still rant against displays of the Ten Commandments. True Christians need only thank God for sending Jesus to fulfill all the requirements of the Law.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Obama: It is a Shame Republicans have no Brass to do what is Right!

I thought I would watch the opening ceremonies for the winter Olympics last night but I could not get past all the preliminary NBC BS. NBC wanted me to know that the Russians are a wonderful people from a wonderful country filled with wonderful sights, sounds and culture, not the least bit threatening.
(none of which is true).

Then, after all the beautiful pictures of the in and around of Sochi, NBC decided its audience would be oh, so interested in an interview with Barack Hussein Obama. Much like Bill O'Reilly believed I would be interested in his interview of our foreign born but elected usurper, just before the Super Bowl or that I would care, even a “smidgen” what Obama might say on Jay Leno's last “Tonight Show appearance.

This whole week turned out to be Obama Love Fest Week.

So I am avoiding the Olympics. I hope the athletes do well and that the terrorists stay away but I don't need NBC promoting Obamacare between events and I certainly don't need NBC telling me I should love Vladimir Putin.

The whole point is that my President is a liar. I gave up on Bill Clinton for the same reason. Not that Clinton was only a liar, but that Clinton was also a rapist, serial philanderer, adulterer and just an overall lousy president. Obama may not be a womanizer (rumor is he is gay) but he is a serial liar, a worse president than Jimmy Carter (and that's saying something) a communist and much more the “scumbag” Bill Clinton was accused of being during his impeachment hearings.

In case you need a recap:

Obama says he wrote two autobiographies. He did not. William Ayers, the domestic terrorist and murderer wrote those books.

Obama says he was born in Hawaii. No he wasn't. The birth certificate offered to the public for view is a forgery. Neither hospital offered as his birth hospital has a record of his birth. His Kenyan grandmother says he was born in Kenya and that statement was supported by other members of Obama's Kenyan family side.

Too, Obama had to give up his American citizenship when his adoptive father took him to Indonesia. There is no record of his having regained his American citizenship upon return to America. His college records, transcripts, grades and writings are not available for investigation. Did he attend American colleges as an American citizen, or a foreign national.

Obama uses a Social Security number issued by the State of Connecticut. It is a common practice of illegal alien nationals to steal or otherwise obtain a social security number to project legality. How did Obama obtain a number from a state he never lived or worked in?

Obama is a liar. Obama is scum. Obama is a communist. He and his statist supporters have nothing to tell me.

What I am hoping for is that the next president will have Obama thoroughly investigated and upon finding the truth of his foreign birth and his lying path through American politics that he is discredited and that every executive order Obama signed is rescinded, every law he signed is repealed, every czar and judge appointment is reviewed and revoked, every trapping of office is stripped from him and his planned presidential library is moved to Kenya where it truly belongs.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Andrew Cuomo: Pro-Death, Anti-Self Defense, “Queer Eye” for the Queer Guy

Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo makes no bones about his feelings towards anyone 'Pro-Life” living in his state. He admits that they have no place in New York because that is “not who New Yorkers are”.

Apparently, New Yorkers love to kill babies in the womb. I had no idea New Yorkers were so blood thirsty that they prefer to murder the unborn. With all the taxpayers that have left the state in recent years I would have thought New Yorkers would welcome births of replacement taxpayers.

At the www.Guttmacher.org website “State Facts About Abortion: New York, I read, “• In 2008, 153,110 women obtained abortions in New York, producing a rate of 37.6 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. Some of these women were from other states, and some New York residents had abortions in other states, so this rate may not reflect the abortion rate of state residents. The rate decreased 2% since 2005, when it was 38.2 abortions per 1,000 women 15-44. Abortions in New York represent 12.6% of all abortions in the United States.”

So New York has been killing more than a third of its unborn population for a number of years. They must be very proud. So proud as to elect a governor who agrees that children can be killed in the womb up to the final minute of gestation. I suppose that is a little better than President Obama's agreement that children born alive from botched abortions can be permitted to die on a cold table from physician neglect.

But New Yorkers need never again concern themselves that I might come to their state to visit, vacation or even drive through to drop coins into a toll collection basket. If New Yorkers want to be painted with the blood of the innocent, what is that to me? Andrew Cuomo is the face of New York. That face belongs to a mass murderer.

And what of his comments against the Second Amendment of the US Constitution? I'm sure there are New Yorkers who would prefer to be able to defend themselves in event of a home invasion or a street mugging than to permit a killer to savage them; knowing their victim had no defense.

Crime rates for New York as recently reported by www.neighborhoodscout.com show an excess of 600 murders and 2000 rapes statewide. I personally wonder how many of those rapes and murders could have been prevented had the woman (or man) being attacked were able to defend themselves. Yet, the governor of New York doesn't much care for that argument. He would ban all guns from New York residents; leaving them to the mercy of criminals who care nothing about gun laws.

Governor Cuomo has managed to alienate much of New York's Catholic Community with his comments on Gay Marriage. Must all the Catholics and any of the Protestant religious now leave the State of New York as unwanted pariahs? Andrew Cuomo is not a good Catholic if he is in agreement that marriage can be re-defined as that between same-sex individuals. I believe the Governor doesn't know his Bible or his religion if he believes homosexuality is somehow normal.

Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of scripture knows homosexuality is abnormal and a result of rejecting God. Individuals who reject the fact that the scriptures are largely God's words of revelation to men have no other effective way to approach faith and the attendant salvation such faith imputes.

Governor Cuomo shows his ignorance of his chosen religion. He reflects a godlessness that (according to him) infects all of New York State. According to Cuomo, only the godless are welcome statewide.

So again, New Yorkers get what they vote for. Hillary Clinton didn't do anything for New York as a carpetbagger Senator and Andrew Cuomo didn't, hasn't and won't help the state as he eyes higher office while alienating much of New York's population.

Perhaps the one good initiative is his program for tax-free zones for new business start-ups. Each new business gets 10 years free from the current onerous New York tax structure. Personally, I'd hang in for 9 years then move my start-up to Texas. Sean Hannity is a better role model.