Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Abortion – Personal, Not Political

The Hebrew/Christian scriptures include the injunction “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. The injunction is against premeditated murder. Don’t let it be misunderstood or misinterpreted to include all types of killing. Even the Lord High God ensured the death of many of his historical enemies and he will ensure the second death of all the unbelievers who have the misfortune of appearing before his Great White Throne.

Murder is not political. Murder is always a choice. That choice is always personal. Murderers kill because they find some type of personal satisfaction in ending another human life. No politically motivated law has ever been able to curb someone intent in murder. Though men place murder in various degrees, all murder is the taking of an innocent life for whatever motive the murderer believes valid.

Since the day the American Supreme Court found some right to privacy inherent in the Constitution government has been burdened with creating laws to protect this so-called right. Sodomy, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, gun ownership, child pornography and other individual choices have been bantered about by courts across America, setting precedent upon precedent as to what constitutes the right to privacy.

Why does government concern itself with the personal preferences of individuals?

Many lawyers agree Roe v. Wade is bad law yet they will not petition to change a bad ruling when government had no right to even suggest it had authority over a woman’s womb one way or the other. There are suggestions that say the states should decide the abortion issue when they have no particular right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her pregnancy.

When will the federal, state and local governments come to realize they are intruding on the most important personal choice any woman is ever tasked to make? Can’t all governments step aside and let women talk with their doctors and husbands and boyfriends and clergy and mothers and make their decision based on their own mindset?

Why does abortion have to be discussed politically as if it was in any way important to being elected to high office? Does the candidate who would allow the most abortions win the election? The question should not even be addressed. The issue of abortion belongs only to the individual woman contemplating having one.

You can repeal bad law and still allow a woman to do whatever she believes she needs to do about her pregnancy. History has proven that no two cases are identical. With such a diversity of scenarios it is more prudent to ignore the process and let the woman determine her own course and her own choices. Abortion is an elective medical procedure women sometimes choose. Politicians should get out of the way.

The choice is ultimately the woman’s. I believe most women would make the best choice for their own piece of mind. They should not be forced to make choices based on the voting preferences of any political constituency, but should choose based on the advice of doctors, family, or trusted clergy or friends. The opinions of pundits and dissociated parties need never enter into the decision. If there is an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution that extends to abortion then everyone uninvolved should keep quiet and leave women to their own thoughts and actions.

I have not kept silent as to my own opinion concerning abortion, but I do not stand on picket lines and I do not curse those who have made their choice. I pray for them because of my strongly held personal belief.

I believe all branches of the government should stay out of the woman’s womb. Abortion is never political. It is always personal. 

By Michael John McCrae
May 18, 2007 (Originally posted to www.useless-knowledge.com) 

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