Sunday, February 9, 2014

Atheists: Incorrect on so many fronts.

There has been much said, written and otherwise stressed over concerning the “Ten Commandments” the Lord God Jehovah gave to Moses and Israel at Sinai.

There is really no need for any of that.

You do of course know that Jesus said he did not come to destroy the law or the Prophets but that he came specifically to fulfill all the laws God handed down because all us stupid men and women were perfectly incapable of doing it ourselves.

Know too, since Jesus is God, he is right in everything he says. When the scriptures tell us he fulfilled all the requirements of the law then sat down at God’s right hand, we should not have to question that.

The real scary thing is that people stress over a measly Ten Commandments when there are fully six- hundred and three more rules and ordinances that are part of the Law of Moses, and the scriptures tell men that if you break even the smallest these laws you are guilty of the whole shebang!

Someone is not reading their text however. Real Christians know that once they are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus, they are no longer under the mandates of God’s written law. And they certainly do not have to place themselves under some form of man made doctrine either.

Any religion that spouts a “do this, don’t do that” form of worship is just wrong. Salvation has never been by works and never will be by works. Salvation has always been by faith and following the dictate to be “like Christ”.

Well, what does that involve you might ask.

Not much really, other than loving God and loving neighbors as yourself. Jesus said that in those two rules alone are fulfilled all the law and all the Prophets. So that is two rules against 613 laws and ordinances. Gee! Which one should I consider?

The fact of the matter is, almost all law is based in God’s rules for mankind. God put those laws in the hearts of men a long time ago. If he hadn’t, then mankind would not have survived the countless stupidities inflicted with great regularity upon itself.

I know that liberals, atheists and the pharisaical types hate the Bible because it shows them for the hypocrites and the immoral conscripts of Satan that they are. But they’ll have to get over that. The Bible, which is called and considered the True Word of God Himself, is the greatest book in the world and the only real book of meaning when it comes to your eternal existence.

All men are born to live eternally. It is where you will live the eternal part of your existence that must be settled in this physical life. The scriptures tell the True Christian that every thought, word, and deed will not go unnoticed by God, but the question that will mean life or death is; ”What think ye of the Christ, whose son is he?”

The True and Spirit Filled Christian knows exactly who God is and where his home is. So if you don’t have that personal assurance, perhaps you should examine your own relationship with God.

You all have to stop stressing over laws and Commandments though. That isn’t where your eternal bread needs to be buttered.

This column was originally posted at under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo (March 2005): Original Title: “The Ten Commandments [You Shouldn't Stress About Religious Law]”
I've revised a few sentences and changed the Title. Atheists still rant against displays of the Ten Commandments. True Christians need only thank God for sending Jesus to fulfill all the requirements of the Law.

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