Sunday, February 2, 2014

Andrew Cuomo: Pro-Death, Anti-Self Defense, “Queer Eye” for the Queer Guy

Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo makes no bones about his feelings towards anyone 'Pro-Life” living in his state. He admits that they have no place in New York because that is “not who New Yorkers are”.

Apparently, New Yorkers love to kill babies in the womb. I had no idea New Yorkers were so blood thirsty that they prefer to murder the unborn. With all the taxpayers that have left the state in recent years I would have thought New Yorkers would welcome births of replacement taxpayers.

At the website “State Facts About Abortion: New York, I read, “• In 2008, 153,110 women obtained abortions in New York, producing a rate of 37.6 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age. Some of these women were from other states, and some New York residents had abortions in other states, so this rate may not reflect the abortion rate of state residents. The rate decreased 2% since 2005, when it was 38.2 abortions per 1,000 women 15-44. Abortions in New York represent 12.6% of all abortions in the United States.”

So New York has been killing more than a third of its unborn population for a number of years. They must be very proud. So proud as to elect a governor who agrees that children can be killed in the womb up to the final minute of gestation. I suppose that is a little better than President Obama's agreement that children born alive from botched abortions can be permitted to die on a cold table from physician neglect.

But New Yorkers need never again concern themselves that I might come to their state to visit, vacation or even drive through to drop coins into a toll collection basket. If New Yorkers want to be painted with the blood of the innocent, what is that to me? Andrew Cuomo is the face of New York. That face belongs to a mass murderer.

And what of his comments against the Second Amendment of the US Constitution? I'm sure there are New Yorkers who would prefer to be able to defend themselves in event of a home invasion or a street mugging than to permit a killer to savage them; knowing their victim had no defense.

Crime rates for New York as recently reported by show an excess of 600 murders and 2000 rapes statewide. I personally wonder how many of those rapes and murders could have been prevented had the woman (or man) being attacked were able to defend themselves. Yet, the governor of New York doesn't much care for that argument. He would ban all guns from New York residents; leaving them to the mercy of criminals who care nothing about gun laws.

Governor Cuomo has managed to alienate much of New York's Catholic Community with his comments on Gay Marriage. Must all the Catholics and any of the Protestant religious now leave the State of New York as unwanted pariahs? Andrew Cuomo is not a good Catholic if he is in agreement that marriage can be re-defined as that between same-sex individuals. I believe the Governor doesn't know his Bible or his religion if he believes homosexuality is somehow normal.

Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of scripture knows homosexuality is abnormal and a result of rejecting God. Individuals who reject the fact that the scriptures are largely God's words of revelation to men have no other effective way to approach faith and the attendant salvation such faith imputes.

Governor Cuomo shows his ignorance of his chosen religion. He reflects a godlessness that (according to him) infects all of New York State. According to Cuomo, only the godless are welcome statewide.

So again, New Yorkers get what they vote for. Hillary Clinton didn't do anything for New York as a carpetbagger Senator and Andrew Cuomo didn't, hasn't and won't help the state as he eyes higher office while alienating much of New York's population.

Perhaps the one good initiative is his program for tax-free zones for new business start-ups. Each new business gets 10 years free from the current onerous New York tax structure. Personally, I'd hang in for 9 years then move my start-up to Texas. Sean Hannity is a better role model.

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