Saturday, February 8, 2014

Obama: It is a Shame Republicans have no Brass to do what is Right!

I thought I would watch the opening ceremonies for the winter Olympics last night but I could not get past all the preliminary NBC BS. NBC wanted me to know that the Russians are a wonderful people from a wonderful country filled with wonderful sights, sounds and culture, not the least bit threatening.
(none of which is true).

Then, after all the beautiful pictures of the in and around of Sochi, NBC decided its audience would be oh, so interested in an interview with Barack Hussein Obama. Much like Bill O'Reilly believed I would be interested in his interview of our foreign born but elected usurper, just before the Super Bowl or that I would care, even a “smidgen” what Obama might say on Jay Leno's last “Tonight Show appearance.

This whole week turned out to be Obama Love Fest Week.

So I am avoiding the Olympics. I hope the athletes do well and that the terrorists stay away but I don't need NBC promoting Obamacare between events and I certainly don't need NBC telling me I should love Vladimir Putin.

The whole point is that my President is a liar. I gave up on Bill Clinton for the same reason. Not that Clinton was only a liar, but that Clinton was also a rapist, serial philanderer, adulterer and just an overall lousy president. Obama may not be a womanizer (rumor is he is gay) but he is a serial liar, a worse president than Jimmy Carter (and that's saying something) a communist and much more the “scumbag” Bill Clinton was accused of being during his impeachment hearings.

In case you need a recap:

Obama says he wrote two autobiographies. He did not. William Ayers, the domestic terrorist and murderer wrote those books.

Obama says he was born in Hawaii. No he wasn't. The birth certificate offered to the public for view is a forgery. Neither hospital offered as his birth hospital has a record of his birth. His Kenyan grandmother says he was born in Kenya and that statement was supported by other members of Obama's Kenyan family side.

Too, Obama had to give up his American citizenship when his adoptive father took him to Indonesia. There is no record of his having regained his American citizenship upon return to America. His college records, transcripts, grades and writings are not available for investigation. Did he attend American colleges as an American citizen, or a foreign national.

Obama uses a Social Security number issued by the State of Connecticut. It is a common practice of illegal alien nationals to steal or otherwise obtain a social security number to project legality. How did Obama obtain a number from a state he never lived or worked in?

Obama is a liar. Obama is scum. Obama is a communist. He and his statist supporters have nothing to tell me.

What I am hoping for is that the next president will have Obama thoroughly investigated and upon finding the truth of his foreign birth and his lying path through American politics that he is discredited and that every executive order Obama signed is rescinded, every law he signed is repealed, every czar and judge appointment is reviewed and revoked, every trapping of office is stripped from him and his planned presidential library is moved to Kenya where it truly belongs.

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