Wednesday, May 28, 2014


“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:13 NIV)

Jesus did not come for the Pharisees, the Scribes or the Sadducee who believed themselves the righteous standard-bearers of the land. Jesus did not come for the Romans or the Greeks still steeped in their multi-god religions, blinded to the truth of the singular Father of the Heavens. These many righteous persons were too busy finding their own way into paradise to pay attention to the words of some carpenter’s son.

Jesus did not need their many sacrifices or prayers or genuflections. Jesus only wanted their recognition that he might be able to bestow grace to the hearer. A few of the Pharisees did find grace. They were able to overcome the pride of their position to see God working in the life of this young healer and prophet.

The scripture tell us that all men are born sinners in need of a savior. Jesus was every man’s substitute for sin. His message was as much for those thinking themselves righteous as for those knowing they were in sin. The “call” of Jesus was the same for the Pharisee as for the prostitute.

Until the advent of Jesus there was the need for sacrifice. Each sacrifice was that example of Abraham’s words to his son Isaac centuries before that Jehovah would provide “himself” a sacrifice. Men were to easily identify Jesus upon his arrival; understanding each sacrifice spoke of the final act of reconciliation between God and men.

Yet, the Prophet Isaiah wrote many years before the first advent “He had neither form nor comeliness that we would desire him” and he was “despised and rejected of men.”

For all the talk of humanity, of love, of tolerance, of peace, of understanding; Jesus is still despised and rejected of men. Those who follow the scriptures of God are as despised and rejected; the world turning a collective anger against the chosen nation of God and those who have recognized and accepted the promises given to Abraham; the Gentile people of faith.

Jesus came as a healer to save the sick. He came as God to reconcile the sinner.

Some men see this and receive the words of God and the healing of salvation. Others find ways to rebuke the healed and reject the words of the God who gives life.

We who know God must never forget that all men are deserving of God’s message. We must never withhold the words of grace and mercy from the sick and the sinner. Jesus was unafraid to walk among those who stood in their authority as leaders; knowing that they were corrupt and capable of having him killed. He had come to die. He had come to fulfill the law for righteousness.

In the final prophecy of scripture, Jesus speaks with John the Apostle and issues messages to the churches of his age that speaks to the churches of all ages. Each message is a blessing for those things done rightly and a warning against compromising with internal sins. Each message concludes: “He who hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

The Spirit says that Jesus has fulfilled the law and offers salvation to all who believe. What the Spirit has written in the Hebrew/Christian texts collectively known as “The Bible” is the testimony and the truth of the God of Heaven.

The “truth” of God is that Jesus saves.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published in under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo 31 December 2006. Yes, Jesus still saves!

SKIP TOOMALOO POST - Laws Against Goodness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)

As hard as it is to believe mankind could create laws against goodness it happens every day.

Christianity is not permitted in most Islamic nations. China regularly persecutes those who believe and evangelize in the name of Jesus. Christians are killed in Syria and Iran just for carrying the Bible. Those who preach a love for their neighbor are regularly berated by the spiritually ignorant over the breadth of the world.

There have been “zones of silence” erected around abortion clinics and God is not spoken of in public schools or the many community buildings supporting local governments. The ACLU routinely executes lawsuits against the Pledge of American Allegiance and the many displays of the ”Ten Commandments” of the Old Testament Law of Moses.

In a world where things evil are touted as culturally acceptable, (homosexuality, abortion, prostitution, pornography) one expects to see man-generated rules barring opposing opinions and dissent. Those who prefer the immoral cannot abide anyone speaking of the laws of God set against any singular part of their “me”-ism agenda. All is good. All is right.

One atheist can obtain court support for laws designed to hamstring any attempt by the religious-minded to curb the inroads of the immorality that is infecting the world’s societies. Teachers can have sex with students. Adults can sue to make sexual relations with minor children acceptable. Lawyers can corner 14-year-old children in courthouses and solicit them for sex without consequence.

In all of this it is the Bible that is ignored and eschewed as the evil that must be eradicated. Men do not look into their own wicked souls to weed out the perversions they approve of. Many men see no need to stay out of the bar or the sex parlor. Sunday is just another day for golf. With no god there is no need for personal responsibility or accountability.

It has become important for men to create laws against those who desire to exhibit the “fruit of the Spirit”. The nonspiritual sense their inferiority and, like Cain, would rather kill the brother than admit God is right when he says “there are none righteous, no, not one”.

There is no law that can keep those that have been declared truly righteous by faith quiet. Paul the Apostle faced death each time he entered a synagogue or spoke to a politician that supported Rome. Paul knew God and knew too he could not keep silent no matter the opposition.

There are those in today’s world with such boldness. Chinese Christians go to jail for their faith and Arab Christians die as their meeting places are burned or bombed by Islamic fascists. American Christians oppose the agenda of the ACLU and personal ministries continue to draw imperfect men into righteousness daily.

In the end there is no law capable of stifling truth. God will have his say. Jesus will save souls despite the best efforts of atheists and the ACLU. The “fruit of the Spirit” will remain visible and available to those who desire the truth concerning faith.

The Christian should remain faithful in prayer. We pray for the protection of the homeland not only against the assaults of radical revisionists, but against the plans of atheism, communism, socialism and liberalism. None of those worldly elements seek the betterment of the spirit of men. The ideals of such agendas deal in death and the survival only of the most ruthless and dictatorial. The power of such ideologies resides only in the destruction of personal freedom and forced fealty to a human-led state.

Jesus asked those that labor to come to him. He would give rest, comfort, truth and wisdom to those who faithfully trusted the promises of his Father. We who have listened and responded to this call have found a solace only found in the Spirit of God. We can share this spiritual fruit too.

The unfaithful need only to close their law books while opening their ears and their hearts. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published in under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo 19 January 2007. ( All thoughts from scriptures; the timeless message.)


“There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 16:25

It is hard to escape the fact that there are men in the world who think nothing of murder. Murder is somehow glorified as a means to a satisfactory end. To kill someone is a matter of relief or release. The secret that will not be found out; the child that will not be born out of guilt and shame; the witness to the crime unable to testify in court; or the dictator that is enabled to retain his power; leaves satisfaction in the heart of the killer while the usually innocent life is forfeit.

Sin satisfies sinners. All ways are right and true. Everything is permitted even should there be no direct civil law against the act. As long as any particular person can be happy with the result, any action should be allowed. In sin, all the ends are “ways of death”.

It isn’t easy to explain to a sinner why his or her particular sin is detrimental. Sinners rarely are in the mood to listen to anything that causes them to think apart from the pleasure they derive from their choices. Alcoholics and the drug addicted sometimes need direct intervention to save them from destructive behaviors. Pedophiles and rapists need to be found out and arrested; tried and convicted before facing up to the wrongness of their actions.

All men are capable of deceiving themselves into accepting a way that “seems” right. Some men look for the easy dollar with gambling or direct theft. Others extort money through blackmail or “con” or “scam” then satisfy their guilt believing the victim “had it coming”. All of that is deception. Workmen are to be worthy of their wage.

Human selfishness leads to all manner of sin. Ultimately, that is what sin is; a selfishness that doesn’t allow any debate or rebuke. The sinner is always right.

Satan once believed he was better than God and attempted to take over the heavens out of his pride and selfishness. He had everything he desired with one exception. He was not God nor would he ever be God. In his own world and mind he was God. The heavenly throne rightfully belonged to him.

He was wrong.

But Satan was able to bring that mindset into the world of humans. He was able to entice Adam and Eve with the promise of godhood and he uses the same tactics even to this age of men. The most current of men who believed themselves a god above all law found himself dead at the end of a rope for his arrogance against the laws of humanity and civility.

Yet, as long as other men seem to prosper in sin there will never be true peace for the world. As long as men continue to believe they are smarter and better than God they will discover new ways that lead only to death.

Jesus said very plainly: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me.”

That is a simple statement, stated simply. Even the most ruthless and deceived of men can understand that no matter what choice they make, if Jesus is not in the core of that choice, the ends thereof are the ways of death.

The day Jesus returns to the earth will not be a good day for mankind. Men will finally see their worthlessness in the face of the worthy. They will shrivel in their pride and they will have no words left to describe their objections against God. They will bend the knee and admit they were wrong and they will be too late. Their ways will be revealed as the ways of death.

There will be sheep among the goats though. Jesus will separate the herd from the flock and bless the one into his kingdom. The remnant of men who believed and received the truth; the men who did not follow so much their own ways as the ways laid out by the true God; those men will find that God knows how to keep a promise. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published in under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo January 28, 2007. (The thoughts are biblical and therefore timeless.)

Friday, May 23, 2014

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: The Thin Line - Opinions and Libel

Okay. We've recently had a “Google” chief fired for sending a thousand dollars in support of California's Prop 8 several years ago. The Brenan Brothers are being condemned in the press for their support of traditional marriage. Football players are being sent to “Sensitivity Training” for reacting to a homosexual kiss; staged by Ophra Winfrey's OWN Network.

President Obama gets kudos for calling gay folks to congratulate their “Coming Out” while failing to defend Former President Clinton's “Defense of Marriage Act” (actual law that was voted by Congress and signed by a president... or what is better known as “The Law of the Land”)

Today I read that two more jobs have been created by the Obama Administration; as two radio hosts in New York State have lost their jobs by making light of “Transgendered” individuals.

Now, I did not hear the broadcast remarks of the radio hosts, but the AP article mentioned that more than 4000 people took exception to the way the hosts opined (or joked) about the city of Rochester's decision to pay for gender reassignment surgery. The assumption is that the hosts took exception to the taxpayers having to foot the bill for people not wanting to be the sex they were born into.

This is much like the Pentagon giving in to the “Bradly Manning” boy-wanting-boobs at the expense of taxpayers deal that was recently agreed to by the Commander in Chief.

So people are not permitted to express opinions that Transsexuals should pay for their own operations and Lord help anyone who would suggest Transsexuals might be suffering some mental incapacity that keep them from being satisfied with the genitalia they were born with.

Now, speaking of opinions: there was a recent report out of Oregon of a lawsuit, where a business (hotel) is suing someone who dared to post an adverse opinion on the“Tripadvisor” website. The article is by Aimee Green at the “Oregonian”, so you can “Google” and read her report.

Anyway, you must be very careful with your opinions on any of the websites designed to “Advise” or otherwise express yourself about the businesses you patronize. Apparently, you cannot have an adverse opinion or, if you do, you must express your opinion in such a way that it is not misunderstood as “mean-spirited”.

To be fair. The opinion in question was written poorly and may very well have been completely fabricated, but let this story be a warning to “Be Nice” when trashing anything iconic.

Which brings me to the student who expressed his opinions about his University of Wisconsin professor, who is now suing the student for defamation because he apparently thinks very highly of himself.

In these days of social media one must be very careful not to hurt someone's feelings. All of those opinions are posted to public domain for anyone to search. In my personal opinion, narcissists like President Obama do not like it when people opine ill of him. This is why he is always on television; defending himself as a boob who knows nothing about anything until he reads it in the New York Times. He has his “Blame Game” down to a science: always hiding behind some “Bush”.

The typical man on the net does not have a battery of lawyers protecting his/her opinions. Lawsuits can go either way; depending on whether the judges have been appointed the the Politically Correct or the conservatives who serve truth above innuendo.

Be careful out there.

Friday, May 16, 2014

ATHEISTS: Let me be Honest.

As much as I respect the First Amendment of the American Constitution, I believe there are laws against abusing the Constitution to publish hate speech.

I want you to understand that I believe all speech and writing by atheists is hate speech because it is based in your hatred toward religion in general and Christians in particular.

Why any organization of individuals who believe in “loving thy neighbor” should come under your particular brand of condemnation isn’t reasonable.

Why Christians shouldn’t be permitted to exchange a message of love and hope among people who do not have or understand either love or hope borders on the asinine.

Your current propaganda efforts to declare: “There is no God”, while calling for peace between men is a poorly disguised declaration of war promoting humanism, individualism and anarchy. You cannot have joy, peace or love without an acknowledgment of the author of those concepts. Joy to the world for the Lord has come!

Why is it you cannot be happy unless you are trying to make Christians miserable? Why aren’t you assaulting Islam with the same vitriolic enthusiasm? What of Hinduism? What of Cultism? What of the religion of Atheism?

Surely Atheism has a god. Atheism has a doctrine. Atheism has core beliefs. Of course the doctrine, core beliefs and values of Atheism are all wrong because your god is lying to you. Your god happens to be the “Father of Lies”.

Now, I am not sorry if that offends you because I cannot be sorry for trying to explain a simple truth, apparent to the 95 percent of the world’s population that acknowledge a creator. That Atheism does not acknowledge a creator does not disturb me, but it should disturb anyone claiming Atheism as their personal belief system.

Why? Because Atheists have no savior and therefore no hope for real peace.

Do you want truth or would you prefer to wallow in speculation and the machinations of scientific theory?

Well, truth resides in your individual relationship with God. This is how God has always been approached. A person either acknowledges God is who he says he is or he ignores the message of God, going his own way.

Those who have responded to the message of God have a tasking to relay this message to others. It doesn’t matter who these others might be; the message does not waver from the singular fact that Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Since all men are sinners then all men require the message.

So what does your god tell you to tell others? And if you suggest that you are receiving no message from a messenger then why are you taking it upon yourselves to dismantle institutions involved in helping humanity remain orderly and moral? Surely it has been proven historically that nations rejecting God or trusting in a variety of gods in mythological opposition to each other are continually unstable, unproductive and warlike.

The one nation that has managed to forego much of this counter productivity for the past couple of centuries has been the United States. It was not until liberalism managed to use the courts to openly attack Christian faith and values that the United States began falling into the current social immorality and decay.

And as Atheism continues to preach its worthless anti-God message, the United States continues to degrade in education, crime, sexual immorality and simple courtesy. But of course, historical timelines mean nothing to individuals choosing to remain ignorant of true faith.

The true Christian fights (wrestles) every day with spiritual forces natural men do not care to consider. These forces are not fought with guns, knives or swords. These forces are fought with faith, prayer and agreement with the basic laws of righteousness.

The true Christian knows the True God and rejects the errors and lies inherent to Atheistic thought.

If any of you lack wisdom…

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have this column on a thumb drive dated 12/20/08, in a folder marked “Unpublished”

It may have been published in under my name, or either of my pseudonyms. The original title was “Dear Atheists”.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

OBAMA – The Dude’s Not Even President Yet!

The website referenced below documents the ongoing controversy over Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate. When the entire situation is boiled to the lowest possible point it is the mystery of Obama’s decision to keep his actual birth certificate sealed from public view. He is hiding the fact he was not born in the United States, or the fact he does not meet the constitutional definition of “Natural Born Citizen”. There is no other possible explanation.

The chain of events and questions concerning Obama’s eligibility to hold the nation’s highest office included other questions and comments that I personally had not encountered. I was focused on the birth certificate, but there is a whole host of certificates and other documentation Obama is withholding from the public.

I not only want to give “atlas shrugs” website credit, but I must credit Debbie Schlussel for posting one of her reader’s letters asking some very pertinent questions. (Google Debbie Schlussel)

Here is the short list of what Obama does not want us to see: (Quoted from

Team Obama, by and through his lawyers, refuses to release for inspection the following”:
1) “His original birth certificate.  Access is sealed by the Governor of Hawaii.” My Comment: The denial of this document in the face of nearly 20 separate lawsuits is mindboggling. Obama could make a mockery of the skeptics by simply authorizing the release of the document. What he is actually hiding is now the big guess. Will America be inaugurating a usurper on January 20th, 2009?

2)  “Admissions/College transcript records from Occidental College.” My Comment: Why are these being kept secret when we knew the complete educational backgrounds of every previous political candidate in presidential political history? Unless of course Mr. Obama was admitted as a foreign-born national as part of an affirmative action quota or unless his admissions documents contradict previous times/dates cited in his two autobiographies or unless his grades were so appalling he doesn’t want anyone to realize just what a poor scholastic performer he was.
3)  “Admissions/College transcript records from Columbia University.” My Comment: All the same as above. Mr. Obama seems to display a lack of pride in his educational achievements. It could be he is shy of displaying his educational brilliance. It could be he is hiding admissions of Marxist ideology peppered throughout his recorded written assignments.

4)  “Admissions/College transcript records from Harvard University.” My Comment: All the same as for Occidental and Columbia, but Bush attended Harvard and a comparison with Obama’s transcripts might prove a great embarrassment to the democrat. If Obama’s achievements are considered better than that of Bush’s, then why not tout that as John Kerry attempted to do until it was discovered Bush’s grade percentage was slightly better than Kerry’s?

5)  “Records of his editorial writing in the Harvard Law Review.” My Comment: These must be damning indeed to be kept even from those currently taking law classes at Harvard. If I were taking classes there I would want to study every line of Obama’s editorial muses to glean every bit of political wit, intelligence and wisdom that was surely his foundation to becoming America’s chief elected executive! To keep those who would follow in Obama’s footsteps from absorbing the written wisdom of the person America says should be the president is a severe form of selfishness in my opinion.

6)  “Medical Records.” My Comment: These records would naturally cite father, mother, date and place of birth, next of kin, citizenship data and other data that might show Obama ineligible to hold the office of president. I do believe we knew of every boil on Bush’s buttocks and every possible heart murmur in Dick Cheney’s chest. I also remember reading several hundred articles on the state of John McCain’s health, but nobody wants to mention how many packs of cigarettes a day Obama smokes or how that might be impacting his health.

7)  “Selective Service Registration Records.  (Debbie Schlussel has obtained Obama's Selective Service Registration record.  She has done an investigation, posted on her website, thoroughly demonstrating that the registration is a forgery and a fraud.)” I do not need to comment here.

8)  “His Illinois State Legislative calendar.” My Comment: Now this probably isn’t too important but Obama only served 143 days as a Congressional Senator before embarking on his quest for the presidency. It is probably known he didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the Illinois Senate either. He was probably out fundraising and meeting with Tony Rezko and William Ayers more than addressing the needs of his Illinois constituency. His calendar probably reflects only the days he was in chamber to vote “Present” on some abortion or sex education bill.

9)  “The list of his legal clients from his days of private law practice.” My Comment: Again this is probably not too important to know how many mobsters, anti-government radicals and voter frauds were regular Obama clients. What might be interesting is finding out just how many cases were successfully completed by Mr. Obama. Was he an effective lawyer or are these records sealed because he was inept and ineffective? That would be something to know.

As far as knowing anything about this man who would be king of America it is difficult if you are turned in to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or any of the mainstream media. Even Rush Limbaugh isn’t discussing any of this mess, although he may be waiting until his Supreme Court heroes, Thomas, Alito, Roberts and Scalia have written their opinions. I know it is difficult to not look like a right-wing-goofball, bigot, racist, hate-monger when discussing Obama, but all the above are serious questions and just why is Obama hiding anything if he wants the world to look upon his vestige as some great “uniter”?

It is sometimes said that “ignorance is bliss”, but ignorance is also dangerous. This dude’s not even president yet and the controversies surrounding Obama rival that of Bill Clinton. You will remember how that Clinton thing ended.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this for in December 2008. Obama was never vetted by the mainstream media, and much of the legitimate blogesphere let it slide, in my opinion, because Obama was quote “Historical” unquote. Well, you get what you vote for and if you vote for a lying, communist, foreign-born charlatan you end up with the crap government we have after 6 years of golf outings and kissing Islamic Terrorist Heine. And the Dude wasn't even President yet!

OBAMA - BUFFET - The Murder of America!

We shall register the following under "Personal Opinion"...

What was that saying I heard the other day about writing for self? My paraphrase would say something like: "Self is the only one you must satisfy when you write anything "

I'm too old to worry about being famous. I can't sing anymore either

It doesn't seem to matter how big an ass the president is. Everyone still wants to kiss him.

No one is really paying attention. There are between 11 and 20 million illegal border jumpers in the United States. Many have formed or joined gangs. The Obama administration says they have deported more illegals this years than past administrations. They still haven't built a fence to keep them from coming back. Too, they are lying about the numbers of returned illegals.

Fact: The Obama administration cannot tell the truth about anything.

You can't keep your health insurance unless it is underwritten by Obama.

You can't keep your doctors unless they vote Democrat.

Football is such a dangerous sport that it is better if the only people getting concussions are gay guys.

I found out yesterday that Warren Buffet is a Serial Killer of innocent babies, to the tune of over a billion dollars, capable of funding over 2 million, first trimester abortions.

I'll bet Warren sleeps well at night. I'll bet Obama sleeps even better; knowing Warren has his back on abortion.

Oh! Harry Reid? He's a dick too.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

OBAMA: “If I Had a Son He’d Look Just Like…”

Probably Corey Curtis and you might Google the name. Corey (Mr. Curtis) has the dubious distinction of having gotten six different women pregnant and “fathering” nine different children. He is also bereft of his parental responsibilities; failing to pay child support to the tune of roughly ninety-thousand dollars.

Wisconsin seems a very tolerant state when it comes to repeat criminals. Mr. Curtis has a rap sheet extending over an eleven year period that includes “burglary” with his recent bail jumping. The judge presiding Mr. Curtis’ case told him that he had to stop reproducing until the ninety-thousand was paid in full. If Mr. Curtis had been behind bars for his numerous other crimes, where he belonged, he probably would not have had the time to get six women pregnant.

It is a good thing President Obama has this guy’s back. Taking away the work requirement for welfare payments will greatly help Corey Curtis and the six young ladies who apparently don’t know of Obama’s “free” contraceptives or his continued support of Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills. Corey can receive up to 99 weeks of unemployment compensation and then he might qualify for disability payments through Social Security as the man seems mentally challenged and quite sexually naïve. No sane person would make a bunch of babies he knew he couldn’t support. Right?

We might ask that question of Luther Crawford of Kentucky; another Obama “son” who claims twelve different children from eleven different girls who could not find free birth control or attend classes in “condom negotiation”. Mr. Crawford is only thirty-three thousand dollars behind on his child support payments so he may not need the full 99 weeks of unemployment money to catch up his debt. And in case you’re keeping score that’s 21 children with 17 baby-mommas and only 2 baby-daddies.

Not to be outdone is Obama’s third son; Mr. Desmond Hatchett of Tennessee. Mr. Hatchett has “fathered” twenty (yes, 20) children with eleven different women. Now, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Crawford do have a chance to catch up to Mr. Hatchett, as Mr. Hatchett has been behind bars for the past 40 months on a felony conviction, unrelated to his procreative efforts. So, for you mathematicians out there, we are up to 41 children with 28 baby-mommas and 3 baby-daddies and these three guys can’t be the only three sperm donors working their sexual magic in the mid-western United States.

Forty-one children have been born in the United States without a responsible father to care for them, provide for them and simply love them. Twenty-eight women have been left with the burden of raising the child; depending on a broken government; spouting broken promises. The last census of 2010 found that single-parent black families now outnumbered two-parent black families nationwide. The black voices, responsible to bring morality, dignity and personal responsibility to black men have been muted. Rather, we hear cries of racism every time someone suggests and black man stand up and take responsibility to raise children he has fathered.

Where are the voices of the feminists who should be defending the women who’ve been left in government dependency status? We know President Obama likes to lecture the nation. Where is the lecture to black men to stand up and pay what’s due?


His message has been and will be: “Don’t worry sons, I’ll tax the rich at ever higher rates and make sure all your children get a portion in food stamps, WIC, welfare, Social Security and disability! Well, Mr. Hatchett, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Crawford apparently believe their President and are perfectly willing to let Obama’s policies of redistribution act as surrogate baby-daddy.

Author's Note: Originally posted to web site in 2013 under my name. Obama should think about castrating these sons of his.

Monday, May 5, 2014

DEATH PENALTY: Stanley “Tookie” Williams – Allowing Law Its Proper Effect

The argument over capital punishment of criminals will go on until the last death penalty is carried out. The death of Stanley Williams is an important death to American society. We have seen the standing laws of California finally have the desired effect. A murderer has been put to death.

Killers come in all sizes and shapes. It is said that many killers know their victims personally. That could be an unsettling thought; knowing that any friend you might have is capable of planning and executing your death.

The laws for capital punishment exist because society at large determined that a device was needed for self-preservation. We have an Army to protect and preserve the nation. We have a National Guard with bases in each state of the union to protect and render aid in cases of natural and unnatural emergency. We have the police to enforce the local laws that are enacted to protect the individual from predators and criminals.

The past several years have witnessed some terrible unnatural catastrophes in the United States. The extreme bombing in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh that killed 168 people is a case in point. We saw a much swifter accounting for that crime of murder and Mr. McVeigh was given the only proper sentence for his callous action.

Did the 19 murderers who boarded jetliners on 9/11/2001 escape the retribution of capital punishment by killing themselves in their acts of premeditation? I suppose if you don’t believe in the afterlife you might agree that those fellows died happily; taking their victims into that darkness of death. Murderers should never be allowed to die happy. They should die; knowing society considered them worthless. There is no honor or glory in murder. Murder does nothing to help society.

I have read some of the accounts that suggest that it was the State of California that “murdered” Mr. Williams. Those people do not understand the law. A planned killing for no real purpose; a planned killing for no reason is murder. The State of California has laws on the books that entitle the State to exact the ultimate punishment from anyone who plans and executes senseless killing. Society must be protected.

Can the laws be changed? Yes, of course. The State legislature can entertain any changes to the laws and regulations governing state actions toward murderers. Until the laws are changed then the existing laws of the state permit the execution of killers.

If society is going to succeed the law must prevail. We would hope that the laws of the land are just; that the laws of the land do not suppress free speech as in China, or freedom to worship as in Saudi Arabia. It is my opinion that Capital Punishment is a just punishment for premeditated or cold-blooded murder. I know there are plenty of folks who disagree with that stance, but to permit killers to survive is to take a chance in allowing the killers to kill again. That has happened far too many times to change my opinion. A society that permits killers to freely ply their stock in trade (death) will eventually fail as a society.

If there is going to be law then the law must be permitted to have the last word. There are ways and means to change laws by amendment, revocation and even compromise. Law is not changed through street protest, riots or anarchy. If one believes a law unjust toward the individual there is always some method to relieve that duress.

The debate will continue and there will be other executions. Every one of these planned executions can be scrutinized and appealed and they will be if history is any indicator. That is certainly okay with me. Everything that can be addressed under the law should be addressed, but when that final appeal is finished the law should be allowed the last word.

The hearts of men are fickle. Some hearts will completely forgive murderers that have affected their life in some way. Other men will never forgive and will carry their hatred until their own death. I believe in God and I believe in an afterlife. God will be the final arbiter. Man does not have to hold a personal judgment in any case of murder. Man needs only abide by the law.

Originally published under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh at in 2005. This was the second of two columns referencing “Tookie” Williams. The only edit is to the title reference “DEATH PENALTY” and the email address on the original post which I permitted to lapse.

DEATH PENALTY: Stanley “Tookie” Williams – Sympathy for the Devil?

He was tried, convicted and sentenced to death in 1979. He has languished on death row; burning up his appeals through the Supreme Court level for more than 20 years since; at the cost of thousands of dollars in legal man hours.

He is the darling of the Hollywood anti-death-penalty crowd. His defenders were everywhere except the courtroom in which he was tried. That makes them all experts in assigning sainthood to “Tookie”.

The man founded a street gang that is responsible for the deaths of thousands. There are cells of this group nationwide and one of his sons is in jail in a “like-father-like-son” scenario that would sadden the most compassionate heart.

He continually asserts his innocence. Every appeal failed. His original trial failed. His final appeal to the Supreme Court failed; because; he did it. He personally killed four people; brutally shooting one in the back. It does not matter what he says. Murderers always say they did not do what it is they did.

It is said that he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. This is true even though anyone can be nominated for that prize. Yasser Arafat was a known murderer and he actually won the prize. I believe that sort of diminishes that part of the argument.

It is said that “Tookie” has written books that are messages to gang-bangers to stop their dealings in drugs and death. Thank you, Mr. Williams. I believe your execution will be more of a deterrent to such types though. If they see all the support you receive; being a murderer; and yet the Governor of the state agrees with the results of the appeals and the decisions of the Supreme Court and allows the execution anyway, the gang-bangers will see there is no chance should they remain in their lives of crime. Perhaps then they will put down their guns and knives and decide to be productive members of society.

It is understood that there are those against the death penalty. Were they against “Tookie” shooting a poor innocent person in the back? Have they shown any concern for the families of the four who were killed by this man or the families of the hundreds of others who have had children killed in the cold-blooded gang wars sanctioned by this man’s founded group?

I have little sympathy for a man who says he has changed, yet says he will not “rat” on anyone. He knows of others who have murdered but will not name names. He will not allow any closure for any of the killed he personally has been involved with. He was convicted in 1979 and according to prison officials led his own prison gang and kept up matters with the “Crips” through 1994. We are left to wonder how many of the deaths between 1979 and 1994 can be attributed directly to “Tookie’s” group.

At any time during that time did Mr. Williams disown his gang? As a co-founding father of the Crips, do you think he could have convinced them to disband or turn themselves in?

It is said that if he is permitted to live, his continued writing could save thousands of lives. I believe if he renounced the Crips and turned in the murderers he could save even more lives. Mr. Williams says he will not do that though. So it is important that his execution be an example to all those now standing on that gang-banger fence; preparing to jump on the side of death.

The defenders of Mr. Williams need some perspective. They stand on the side of one man who killed 4 innocent people. Last years there were more than 16,000 murders in the United States and fewer than 10 of the murderers were put to death for those crimes. More than 15,000 people did not receive justice. They were killed, but they were innocent. The defenders of Mr. Williams see “Tookie” as the innocent one while his victims rot in their graves for no other reason than having gotten in the man’s way.

The sympathy for Stanley “Tookie” Williams seems to be misplaced.

Author's Note: This was the first of two columns I posted about “Tookie” Williams under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh. It appeared in in September 2005 I believe. The only edit is to the title reference “DEATH PENALTY”

ABORTION NEWS: Katrina – Aftermath - Evacuees and Silver Platters

Man; the evacuees from the hurricane ravaged regions are really making out! First everyone talked about giving everyone a $2000 Debit Card; FREE! When that didn’t quite work out relief workers decided that it would be best not to offer money, but to purchase goods. You know; REAL relief.

People opened their hearts and Mayors opened their cities. Homes were given away to the evacuees. Food was freely given; shelters gave way to private homes; jobs were being offered; medical aid; just everything!

And now I read in “” a September 28th article: “Clinic: Free Abortions for Evacuees”! MAN! It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Quoting: “LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A doctor has offered to perform free abortions on hurricane evacuees (search), saying it may be too dangerous for them to wait until they return home.”

Now, you can all look the article up to gain the particulars. I just want to say that the death toll for the recent natural disasters in the South are not completely tallied. In fact, the death toll continues to rise as now, at least one physician is offering to murder children for free.

Every day I read the paper there is a running tally of deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. Nowhere do I see a running daily tally of deaths of American babies in abortion clinics. Nowhere do I read a continuous daily tally of death on American highways due to drunk driving or just plain driver stupidity. Nowhere do I find a daily tally of smoking related deaths, or deaths by drug overdose, or steroid deaths or homicides on American streets. These lists are being kept, and there may be a blog or two that cares about such things and lists such daily tallies; but there is certainly a mainstream media need to influence thought and anti-war sentiment by running that daily tally of war deaths.

But back to the point; FREE abortions! Excellent!

Yes, Yes; I know! Abortion is LEGAL! Okay. Your point is made. Abortion being a form of premeditated taking of life is also murder. So Abortion is merely legal murder, and now one doctor isn’t charging his normal $600 fee to kill babies. Just don’t expect me to be happy about that.

I am not going to begrudge the people displaced by Katrina and Rita anything. I do want people to try to realize the chagrin of those who have been homeless; who have had to take their families to shelters for a meal; who have been living in parked cars with no steady income and have not had the benefit of direct aid well before any category five monster hit the gulf shore. Where were all the freebies for them?

Why does it take a natural disaster to get a Governor of a state to go before a congressional committee and tell that committee they need to give her a few billion dollars to fix something she broke?

The gall of Louisiana to ask the equivalent of $55,000 for every mother’s son in the state is one heck of an impressive spate of chutzpah. I’ll bet the federal government is right now considering that! Why not just line up the entire state of Louisiana at the federal Treasury and personally hand each person a wad of cash?

I am glad there are so many good hearts out there that have opened doors of opportunity to all those affected by the troubles in the south. I am equally pained that so many are standing with their hands out; expecting the hand out in an amount commensurate with what they might believe is fair.

Between both groups stand politicians; ready to make a name and claim a vote for themselves by being the one who can pass out the most taxpayer dollars to ease their pain and make the booger-man go away.

No. The death toll continues to rise as free abortions are performed and the callousness of those ready to accept that as a natural part of “relief” leaves no more surprises for me in the aftermath of a catastrophe that; like the “Energizer Bunny” just “keeps going and going and going!”

Author's Note: Originally published in since discontinued blog “The Conservative Voice” in September 2005 by (me) Michael John McCrae.
I added the term: “ABORTION NEWS” to the title, but made no edits otherwise.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sometimes Ears Can Be a Detriment

Wow! To hear the liberal media lately you’d think the Republican party was being run by the Russian mafia! My ears are taking a pounding!

The Left had been crying: Conspiracy, Racism, Treason and Insider Trading; citing Karl Rove (again), Tom Delay (again), George Bush (in perpetuity) and Bill Frist (in a new twist of an old theme).

Republicans are evil! Republicans are out to get democrat old people, democrat blacks, democrat governors and democrat mayors. Nasty old Republicans are trying to stack the Supreme Court with ideologues spouting morality and freedom and justice and life!

When will it all stop! We liberals want death (abortion), immorality (gay marriage), liberal justice (living constitution), and liberal freedom (to appease the enemies of capitalism). We liberals need our space. We liberals want a world of peace, so it is important to leave North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist China, Russia, and all the dictatorships killing their populations in the name of religious accommodation to their own devices. Let them stay in the United Nations! Perhaps they will learn to play fair.

We have been living in Liberal dreamland. The world has been turned upside down on the policies of appeasement and ignorant diplomacy. Treaties tossed in the trash during the 90s are biting the United States in the butt in this decade. Republicans have no choice but to fight against that which threatens to destroy democratic process and American Liberty.

The cries of the liberals are the cries of hatred. Every bitter word spoken by the likes of Charles Rangel, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the remaining hosts of the far left reverberate in the halls of Congress; now more known for rhetoric and immobility through filibuster, than known as a legislative body that can actually accomplish anything.

The first reaction of liberals after the disaster of Katrina was to blame George Bush for the slow response of FEMA and not visiting New Orleans ten minutes after the skies cleared. The first reaction of liberals after the next disaster of Rita was to blame President Bush for being proactive in having all the disaster relief and rescue prepared and on site, and taking center stage at the emergency response center to ensure a quicker response than the one he was blamed for in Louisiana!

Blame! Blame and more Blame!

Where are the liberal solutions? Where is the liberal support? Why was all the burden of proof placed on the Federal Government for the severe mistakes of the local authorities?

Why is the American Military seemingly the only organization remaining that can get anything done for the United States? Why is it that faith-based organizations are the real heroes in all this recent tragedy, yet liberals still call for curbing any mention of God?

There are no liberal solutions (except raising taxes). There is no liberal support (except Rep. Rangel’s call for re-opening the draft). One state in the union is asking for more money than any state ever given in history. Will any of that money be returned to taxpayers; or will every cent be poured into the pockets of the same corrupt liberals that have been stealing the state of Louisiana blind for the past 40 years?

The liberal media and their incessant mantra against the Republicans are aggravating. Jesse Jackson, Cindy Sheehan, Joe Biden, Barney Frank and every CNN talking head with a show in low ratings should take the hint. We are all wearing ear phones, but many of us are listening to FOXNEWS and Rush Limbaugh because Al Gore T.V and Al Franken radio just isn’t getting it!

Author's Note: Originally published October 2005 in a since discontinued blog The Conservative Voice by (me) Michael John McCrae. Most of the democrats mentioned in this column are still alive and still spouting their liberal-socialist-crapola.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Thoughts: Where Do I Begin?

I am sorry I haven’t written over the past few months or so. I’ve been transferred from my cushy base in Kuwait to a god-forsaken, dusty arena in Afghanistan. It took a while to get established and actually find a keyboard that would support entries into this website once more.

I have to ask; just what in the name of our foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in-chief is happening to my great country? I am saddened that Hussein still hasn’t come clean with his birth certificate, college transcripts and admittance records, disputed passport data and his explanation for his forged Selective Service card. I am still aghast that his writings for the Harvard Law Review remain sealed. What are all those aspiring young president-wannabes to do, not having the wit and wisdom of our first foreign-born president to plagiarize?

As much as I am overjoyed at Bernie Madoff’s 150-year jail term, I am disappointed that we are not seeing Charles Rangel, William Jefferson, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or our foreign-born usurper sharing his cell. I believe Bernie had plenty of political cover for his schemes. What Bernie accomplished is nothing different from Cap and Trade. A ponzi scheme by any other name is a ponzi scheme. We could term Cap and trade; Waxman’s scheme or the Waxman-Hussein scheme.

I keep wondering if the American voter will ever wake up. Now that he is assured increases in cigarette taxes, gas prices, home heating oil prices, and every other possible price; what will it take to get the American voter off their collective-collective (yes, intentional); spot the communists in the American House and Senate and kick those liberal, socialist, communist scum-suckers out of their pre-paid-elite-health-care positions?

I have watched over the past several weeks as American unemployment numbers went from 5 to 9 percent. Those numbers are still climbing, although Hussein’s Heroes (the US Media) continue to ignore facts; preferring to make up stories about America’s thriving economy. Warren Buffet tells the world that America isn’t going to see the end of recession for several years and Hussein’s Heroes completely ignore him. When Buffet was touting Hussein’s heavenly views of economy; everyone in media fawned. Now Buffet is ignored: at least for the time being.

The foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in chief is a severe liar. Those supporting him are liars or just plain morons or both. The liberal party (democrats) is committing acts of domestic terrorism with the full complicity of media still stuck in “blame Bush” mode. Media gave us 14 days of Michael Jackson tribute while ignoring the threats of Iran and North Korea. Media will support a communist sympathizer who wants to destroy the democratic constitution of Honduras simply because Hussein is sympathetic to serial South and Central American dictatorships. Gee, Hussein wishes he could be just like those guys. “Hey! Honduras! But back the commie and let him wreck your constitution and you better do it now!” (He’s naturally concerned that the United States Military might get the same idea about him should Honduras succeed in keeping their constitution intact.)

We do not have to guess anymore where Hussein’s sympathies lie. He loves Ortega, Chavez, Castro, and every other socialist holding office by force of arms, threats and intimidation. Hussein wishes for the entire world that he could be them. He’s working on that.

I believe our foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in-chief is both an illegal immigrant and a domestic terrorist. Hussein will not fess up to birth documents, passports, or the fact that he went to American colleges, probably on a discount basis, as a foreign exchange student. Until those documents can be produced, no one will convince me that Hussein is American. No one spends the millions he has to protect that part of his past from thorough review. Had he been republican, you could bet the farm that Hillary would have had his butt backed up to the barn door; holding the key to escape. Instead, Hillary sells out for a position that will probably get her a better legacy than her former-impeached-hubby-president.

Hussein is getting everything he wants and it will go on and on now; thanks to the Great State of Minnesota sending another liberal comic to the Senate. Yep, Al Franken; another lying sack of excrement joined the already wacky crew of staunch liberal political weirdoes to finally establish that filibuster-proof majority (thanks to Benedict Arlen). Read their lips! “All new taxes!” Watch your wallets folks. 

Author's Note: This column was originally published in by (me) Michael John McCrae September 2009. 
It hasn't needed a single change. Barack Hussein Obama continues to obstruct all requests for information from his past. I still believe he is not an American and that he has great sympathies for homosexuals and Islamist supporters due to his family background and Chicago associations.