Monday, May 5, 2014

ABORTION NEWS: Katrina – Aftermath - Evacuees and Silver Platters

Man; the evacuees from the hurricane ravaged regions are really making out! First everyone talked about giving everyone a $2000 Debit Card; FREE! When that didn’t quite work out relief workers decided that it would be best not to offer money, but to purchase goods. You know; REAL relief.

People opened their hearts and Mayors opened their cities. Homes were given away to the evacuees. Food was freely given; shelters gave way to private homes; jobs were being offered; medical aid; just everything!

And now I read in “” a September 28th article: “Clinic: Free Abortions for Evacuees”! MAN! It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Quoting: “LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A doctor has offered to perform free abortions on hurricane evacuees (search), saying it may be too dangerous for them to wait until they return home.”

Now, you can all look the article up to gain the particulars. I just want to say that the death toll for the recent natural disasters in the South are not completely tallied. In fact, the death toll continues to rise as now, at least one physician is offering to murder children for free.

Every day I read the paper there is a running tally of deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. Nowhere do I see a running daily tally of deaths of American babies in abortion clinics. Nowhere do I read a continuous daily tally of death on American highways due to drunk driving or just plain driver stupidity. Nowhere do I find a daily tally of smoking related deaths, or deaths by drug overdose, or steroid deaths or homicides on American streets. These lists are being kept, and there may be a blog or two that cares about such things and lists such daily tallies; but there is certainly a mainstream media need to influence thought and anti-war sentiment by running that daily tally of war deaths.

But back to the point; FREE abortions! Excellent!

Yes, Yes; I know! Abortion is LEGAL! Okay. Your point is made. Abortion being a form of premeditated taking of life is also murder. So Abortion is merely legal murder, and now one doctor isn’t charging his normal $600 fee to kill babies. Just don’t expect me to be happy about that.

I am not going to begrudge the people displaced by Katrina and Rita anything. I do want people to try to realize the chagrin of those who have been homeless; who have had to take their families to shelters for a meal; who have been living in parked cars with no steady income and have not had the benefit of direct aid well before any category five monster hit the gulf shore. Where were all the freebies for them?

Why does it take a natural disaster to get a Governor of a state to go before a congressional committee and tell that committee they need to give her a few billion dollars to fix something she broke?

The gall of Louisiana to ask the equivalent of $55,000 for every mother’s son in the state is one heck of an impressive spate of chutzpah. I’ll bet the federal government is right now considering that! Why not just line up the entire state of Louisiana at the federal Treasury and personally hand each person a wad of cash?

I am glad there are so many good hearts out there that have opened doors of opportunity to all those affected by the troubles in the south. I am equally pained that so many are standing with their hands out; expecting the hand out in an amount commensurate with what they might believe is fair.

Between both groups stand politicians; ready to make a name and claim a vote for themselves by being the one who can pass out the most taxpayer dollars to ease their pain and make the booger-man go away.

No. The death toll continues to rise as free abortions are performed and the callousness of those ready to accept that as a natural part of “relief” leaves no more surprises for me in the aftermath of a catastrophe that; like the “Energizer Bunny” just “keeps going and going and going!”

Author's Note: Originally published in since discontinued blog “The Conservative Voice” in September 2005 by (me) Michael John McCrae.
I added the term: “ABORTION NEWS” to the title, but made no edits otherwise.

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