Monday, May 5, 2014

DEATH PENALTY: Stanley “Tookie” Williams – Allowing Law Its Proper Effect

The argument over capital punishment of criminals will go on until the last death penalty is carried out. The death of Stanley Williams is an important death to American society. We have seen the standing laws of California finally have the desired effect. A murderer has been put to death.

Killers come in all sizes and shapes. It is said that many killers know their victims personally. That could be an unsettling thought; knowing that any friend you might have is capable of planning and executing your death.

The laws for capital punishment exist because society at large determined that a device was needed for self-preservation. We have an Army to protect and preserve the nation. We have a National Guard with bases in each state of the union to protect and render aid in cases of natural and unnatural emergency. We have the police to enforce the local laws that are enacted to protect the individual from predators and criminals.

The past several years have witnessed some terrible unnatural catastrophes in the United States. The extreme bombing in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh that killed 168 people is a case in point. We saw a much swifter accounting for that crime of murder and Mr. McVeigh was given the only proper sentence for his callous action.

Did the 19 murderers who boarded jetliners on 9/11/2001 escape the retribution of capital punishment by killing themselves in their acts of premeditation? I suppose if you don’t believe in the afterlife you might agree that those fellows died happily; taking their victims into that darkness of death. Murderers should never be allowed to die happy. They should die; knowing society considered them worthless. There is no honor or glory in murder. Murder does nothing to help society.

I have read some of the accounts that suggest that it was the State of California that “murdered” Mr. Williams. Those people do not understand the law. A planned killing for no real purpose; a planned killing for no reason is murder. The State of California has laws on the books that entitle the State to exact the ultimate punishment from anyone who plans and executes senseless killing. Society must be protected.

Can the laws be changed? Yes, of course. The State legislature can entertain any changes to the laws and regulations governing state actions toward murderers. Until the laws are changed then the existing laws of the state permit the execution of killers.

If society is going to succeed the law must prevail. We would hope that the laws of the land are just; that the laws of the land do not suppress free speech as in China, or freedom to worship as in Saudi Arabia. It is my opinion that Capital Punishment is a just punishment for premeditated or cold-blooded murder. I know there are plenty of folks who disagree with that stance, but to permit killers to survive is to take a chance in allowing the killers to kill again. That has happened far too many times to change my opinion. A society that permits killers to freely ply their stock in trade (death) will eventually fail as a society.

If there is going to be law then the law must be permitted to have the last word. There are ways and means to change laws by amendment, revocation and even compromise. Law is not changed through street protest, riots or anarchy. If one believes a law unjust toward the individual there is always some method to relieve that duress.

The debate will continue and there will be other executions. Every one of these planned executions can be scrutinized and appealed and they will be if history is any indicator. That is certainly okay with me. Everything that can be addressed under the law should be addressed, but when that final appeal is finished the law should be allowed the last word.

The hearts of men are fickle. Some hearts will completely forgive murderers that have affected their life in some way. Other men will never forgive and will carry their hatred until their own death. I believe in God and I believe in an afterlife. God will be the final arbiter. Man does not have to hold a personal judgment in any case of murder. Man needs only abide by the law.

Originally published under my pseudonym Samuel Sandbaugh at in 2005. This was the second of two columns referencing “Tookie” Williams. The only edit is to the title reference “DEATH PENALTY” and the email address on the original post which I permitted to lapse.

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