Thursday, May 1, 2014

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA Thoughts: Where Do I Begin?

I am sorry I haven’t written over the past few months or so. I’ve been transferred from my cushy base in Kuwait to a god-forsaken, dusty arena in Afghanistan. It took a while to get established and actually find a keyboard that would support entries into this website once more.

I have to ask; just what in the name of our foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in-chief is happening to my great country? I am saddened that Hussein still hasn’t come clean with his birth certificate, college transcripts and admittance records, disputed passport data and his explanation for his forged Selective Service card. I am still aghast that his writings for the Harvard Law Review remain sealed. What are all those aspiring young president-wannabes to do, not having the wit and wisdom of our first foreign-born president to plagiarize?

As much as I am overjoyed at Bernie Madoff’s 150-year jail term, I am disappointed that we are not seeing Charles Rangel, William Jefferson, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or our foreign-born usurper sharing his cell. I believe Bernie had plenty of political cover for his schemes. What Bernie accomplished is nothing different from Cap and Trade. A ponzi scheme by any other name is a ponzi scheme. We could term Cap and trade; Waxman’s scheme or the Waxman-Hussein scheme.

I keep wondering if the American voter will ever wake up. Now that he is assured increases in cigarette taxes, gas prices, home heating oil prices, and every other possible price; what will it take to get the American voter off their collective-collective (yes, intentional); spot the communists in the American House and Senate and kick those liberal, socialist, communist scum-suckers out of their pre-paid-elite-health-care positions?

I have watched over the past several weeks as American unemployment numbers went from 5 to 9 percent. Those numbers are still climbing, although Hussein’s Heroes (the US Media) continue to ignore facts; preferring to make up stories about America’s thriving economy. Warren Buffet tells the world that America isn’t going to see the end of recession for several years and Hussein’s Heroes completely ignore him. When Buffet was touting Hussein’s heavenly views of economy; everyone in media fawned. Now Buffet is ignored: at least for the time being.

The foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in chief is a severe liar. Those supporting him are liars or just plain morons or both. The liberal party (democrats) is committing acts of domestic terrorism with the full complicity of media still stuck in “blame Bush” mode. Media gave us 14 days of Michael Jackson tribute while ignoring the threats of Iran and North Korea. Media will support a communist sympathizer who wants to destroy the democratic constitution of Honduras simply because Hussein is sympathetic to serial South and Central American dictatorships. Gee, Hussein wishes he could be just like those guys. “Hey! Honduras! But back the commie and let him wreck your constitution and you better do it now!” (He’s naturally concerned that the United States Military might get the same idea about him should Honduras succeed in keeping their constitution intact.)

We do not have to guess anymore where Hussein’s sympathies lie. He loves Ortega, Chavez, Castro, and every other socialist holding office by force of arms, threats and intimidation. Hussein wishes for the entire world that he could be them. He’s working on that.

I believe our foreign-born-but-elected-usurper-in-chief is both an illegal immigrant and a domestic terrorist. Hussein will not fess up to birth documents, passports, or the fact that he went to American colleges, probably on a discount basis, as a foreign exchange student. Until those documents can be produced, no one will convince me that Hussein is American. No one spends the millions he has to protect that part of his past from thorough review. Had he been republican, you could bet the farm that Hillary would have had his butt backed up to the barn door; holding the key to escape. Instead, Hillary sells out for a position that will probably get her a better legacy than her former-impeached-hubby-president.

Hussein is getting everything he wants and it will go on and on now; thanks to the Great State of Minnesota sending another liberal comic to the Senate. Yep, Al Franken; another lying sack of excrement joined the already wacky crew of staunch liberal political weirdoes to finally establish that filibuster-proof majority (thanks to Benedict Arlen). Read their lips! “All new taxes!” Watch your wallets folks. 

Author's Note: This column was originally published in by (me) Michael John McCrae September 2009. 
It hasn't needed a single change. Barack Hussein Obama continues to obstruct all requests for information from his past. I still believe he is not an American and that he has great sympathies for homosexuals and Islamist supporters due to his family background and Chicago associations.


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