Wednesday, May 28, 2014

SKIP TOOMALOO POST - Laws Against Goodness

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)

As hard as it is to believe mankind could create laws against goodness it happens every day.

Christianity is not permitted in most Islamic nations. China regularly persecutes those who believe and evangelize in the name of Jesus. Christians are killed in Syria and Iran just for carrying the Bible. Those who preach a love for their neighbor are regularly berated by the spiritually ignorant over the breadth of the world.

There have been “zones of silence” erected around abortion clinics and God is not spoken of in public schools or the many community buildings supporting local governments. The ACLU routinely executes lawsuits against the Pledge of American Allegiance and the many displays of the ”Ten Commandments” of the Old Testament Law of Moses.

In a world where things evil are touted as culturally acceptable, (homosexuality, abortion, prostitution, pornography) one expects to see man-generated rules barring opposing opinions and dissent. Those who prefer the immoral cannot abide anyone speaking of the laws of God set against any singular part of their “me”-ism agenda. All is good. All is right.

One atheist can obtain court support for laws designed to hamstring any attempt by the religious-minded to curb the inroads of the immorality that is infecting the world’s societies. Teachers can have sex with students. Adults can sue to make sexual relations with minor children acceptable. Lawyers can corner 14-year-old children in courthouses and solicit them for sex without consequence.

In all of this it is the Bible that is ignored and eschewed as the evil that must be eradicated. Men do not look into their own wicked souls to weed out the perversions they approve of. Many men see no need to stay out of the bar or the sex parlor. Sunday is just another day for golf. With no god there is no need for personal responsibility or accountability.

It has become important for men to create laws against those who desire to exhibit the “fruit of the Spirit”. The nonspiritual sense their inferiority and, like Cain, would rather kill the brother than admit God is right when he says “there are none righteous, no, not one”.

There is no law that can keep those that have been declared truly righteous by faith quiet. Paul the Apostle faced death each time he entered a synagogue or spoke to a politician that supported Rome. Paul knew God and knew too he could not keep silent no matter the opposition.

There are those in today’s world with such boldness. Chinese Christians go to jail for their faith and Arab Christians die as their meeting places are burned or bombed by Islamic fascists. American Christians oppose the agenda of the ACLU and personal ministries continue to draw imperfect men into righteousness daily.

In the end there is no law capable of stifling truth. God will have his say. Jesus will save souls despite the best efforts of atheists and the ACLU. The “fruit of the Spirit” will remain visible and available to those who desire the truth concerning faith.

The Christian should remain faithful in prayer. We pray for the protection of the homeland not only against the assaults of radical revisionists, but against the plans of atheism, communism, socialism and liberalism. None of those worldly elements seek the betterment of the spirit of men. The ideals of such agendas deal in death and the survival only of the most ruthless and dictatorial. The power of such ideologies resides only in the destruction of personal freedom and forced fealty to a human-led state.

Jesus asked those that labor to come to him. He would give rest, comfort, truth and wisdom to those who faithfully trusted the promises of his Father. We who have listened and responded to this call have found a solace only found in the Spirit of God. We can share this spiritual fruit too.

The unfaithful need only to close their law books while opening their ears and their hearts. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Originally published in under my pseudonym Skip Toomaloo 19 January 2007. ( All thoughts from scriptures; the timeless message.)

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