Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sometimes Ears Can Be a Detriment

Wow! To hear the liberal media lately you’d think the Republican party was being run by the Russian mafia! My ears are taking a pounding!

The Left had been crying: Conspiracy, Racism, Treason and Insider Trading; citing Karl Rove (again), Tom Delay (again), George Bush (in perpetuity) and Bill Frist (in a new twist of an old theme).

Republicans are evil! Republicans are out to get democrat old people, democrat blacks, democrat governors and democrat mayors. Nasty old Republicans are trying to stack the Supreme Court with ideologues spouting morality and freedom and justice and life!

When will it all stop! We liberals want death (abortion), immorality (gay marriage), liberal justice (living constitution), and liberal freedom (to appease the enemies of capitalism). We liberals need our space. We liberals want a world of peace, so it is important to leave North Korea, Communist Cuba, Communist China, Russia, and all the dictatorships killing their populations in the name of religious accommodation to their own devices. Let them stay in the United Nations! Perhaps they will learn to play fair.

We have been living in Liberal dreamland. The world has been turned upside down on the policies of appeasement and ignorant diplomacy. Treaties tossed in the trash during the 90s are biting the United States in the butt in this decade. Republicans have no choice but to fight against that which threatens to destroy democratic process and American Liberty.

The cries of the liberals are the cries of hatred. Every bitter word spoken by the likes of Charles Rangel, Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Leahy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the remaining hosts of the far left reverberate in the halls of Congress; now more known for rhetoric and immobility through filibuster, than known as a legislative body that can actually accomplish anything.

The first reaction of liberals after the disaster of Katrina was to blame George Bush for the slow response of FEMA and not visiting New Orleans ten minutes after the skies cleared. The first reaction of liberals after the next disaster of Rita was to blame President Bush for being proactive in having all the disaster relief and rescue prepared and on site, and taking center stage at the emergency response center to ensure a quicker response than the one he was blamed for in Louisiana!

Blame! Blame and more Blame!

Where are the liberal solutions? Where is the liberal support? Why was all the burden of proof placed on the Federal Government for the severe mistakes of the local authorities?

Why is the American Military seemingly the only organization remaining that can get anything done for the United States? Why is it that faith-based organizations are the real heroes in all this recent tragedy, yet liberals still call for curbing any mention of God?

There are no liberal solutions (except raising taxes). There is no liberal support (except Rep. Rangel’s call for re-opening the draft). One state in the union is asking for more money than any state ever given in history. Will any of that money be returned to taxpayers; or will every cent be poured into the pockets of the same corrupt liberals that have been stealing the state of Louisiana blind for the past 40 years?

The liberal media and their incessant mantra against the Republicans are aggravating. Jesse Jackson, Cindy Sheehan, Joe Biden, Barney Frank and every CNN talking head with a show in low ratings should take the hint. We are all wearing ear phones, but many of us are listening to FOXNEWS and Rush Limbaugh because Al Gore T.V and Al Franken radio just isn’t getting it!

Author's Note: Originally published October 2005 in a since discontinued blog The Conservative Voice by (me) Michael John McCrae. Most of the democrats mentioned in this column are still alive and still spouting their liberal-socialist-crapola.

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