Friday, May 16, 2014

ATHEISTS: Let me be Honest.

As much as I respect the First Amendment of the American Constitution, I believe there are laws against abusing the Constitution to publish hate speech.

I want you to understand that I believe all speech and writing by atheists is hate speech because it is based in your hatred toward religion in general and Christians in particular.

Why any organization of individuals who believe in “loving thy neighbor” should come under your particular brand of condemnation isn’t reasonable.

Why Christians shouldn’t be permitted to exchange a message of love and hope among people who do not have or understand either love or hope borders on the asinine.

Your current propaganda efforts to declare: “There is no God”, while calling for peace between men is a poorly disguised declaration of war promoting humanism, individualism and anarchy. You cannot have joy, peace or love without an acknowledgment of the author of those concepts. Joy to the world for the Lord has come!

Why is it you cannot be happy unless you are trying to make Christians miserable? Why aren’t you assaulting Islam with the same vitriolic enthusiasm? What of Hinduism? What of Cultism? What of the religion of Atheism?

Surely Atheism has a god. Atheism has a doctrine. Atheism has core beliefs. Of course the doctrine, core beliefs and values of Atheism are all wrong because your god is lying to you. Your god happens to be the “Father of Lies”.

Now, I am not sorry if that offends you because I cannot be sorry for trying to explain a simple truth, apparent to the 95 percent of the world’s population that acknowledge a creator. That Atheism does not acknowledge a creator does not disturb me, but it should disturb anyone claiming Atheism as their personal belief system.

Why? Because Atheists have no savior and therefore no hope for real peace.

Do you want truth or would you prefer to wallow in speculation and the machinations of scientific theory?

Well, truth resides in your individual relationship with God. This is how God has always been approached. A person either acknowledges God is who he says he is or he ignores the message of God, going his own way.

Those who have responded to the message of God have a tasking to relay this message to others. It doesn’t matter who these others might be; the message does not waver from the singular fact that Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Since all men are sinners then all men require the message.

So what does your god tell you to tell others? And if you suggest that you are receiving no message from a messenger then why are you taking it upon yourselves to dismantle institutions involved in helping humanity remain orderly and moral? Surely it has been proven historically that nations rejecting God or trusting in a variety of gods in mythological opposition to each other are continually unstable, unproductive and warlike.

The one nation that has managed to forego much of this counter productivity for the past couple of centuries has been the United States. It was not until liberalism managed to use the courts to openly attack Christian faith and values that the United States began falling into the current social immorality and decay.

And as Atheism continues to preach its worthless anti-God message, the United States continues to degrade in education, crime, sexual immorality and simple courtesy. But of course, historical timelines mean nothing to individuals choosing to remain ignorant of true faith.

The true Christian fights (wrestles) every day with spiritual forces natural men do not care to consider. These forces are not fought with guns, knives or swords. These forces are fought with faith, prayer and agreement with the basic laws of righteousness.

The true Christian knows the True God and rejects the errors and lies inherent to Atheistic thought.

If any of you lack wisdom…

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have this column on a thumb drive dated 12/20/08, in a folder marked “Unpublished”

It may have been published in under my name, or either of my pseudonyms. The original title was “Dear Atheists”.

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