Wednesday, May 14, 2014

OBAMA - BUFFET - The Murder of America!

We shall register the following under "Personal Opinion"...

What was that saying I heard the other day about writing for self? My paraphrase would say something like: "Self is the only one you must satisfy when you write anything "

I'm too old to worry about being famous. I can't sing anymore either

It doesn't seem to matter how big an ass the president is. Everyone still wants to kiss him.

No one is really paying attention. There are between 11 and 20 million illegal border jumpers in the United States. Many have formed or joined gangs. The Obama administration says they have deported more illegals this years than past administrations. They still haven't built a fence to keep them from coming back. Too, they are lying about the numbers of returned illegals.

Fact: The Obama administration cannot tell the truth about anything.

You can't keep your health insurance unless it is underwritten by Obama.

You can't keep your doctors unless they vote Democrat.

Football is such a dangerous sport that it is better if the only people getting concussions are gay guys.

I found out yesterday that Warren Buffet is a Serial Killer of innocent babies, to the tune of over a billion dollars, capable of funding over 2 million, first trimester abortions.

I'll bet Warren sleeps well at night. I'll bet Obama sleeps even better; knowing Warren has his back on abortion.

Oh! Harry Reid? He's a dick too.

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